It's funny how some keyboard warriors set behind their computer or on their laptop and criticize Jeff Sessions for things they think he did wrong, even if they are using "fake" information in some cases to bolster their claims. I guess it's easy when you're actually sitting in your computer chair or lazy-boy recliner and not actually serving on the front-lines. These folks, we'll call them Trump cheerleaders for identification purposes, are dead silent when someone like Sessions does good or great things because they would not be caught dead supporting or giving credit to anyone that Trump does not like and/or that has stood up to him.

For the Trump cheerleader crowd you are either with Trump 100% or you're the enemy. That's just a sad reality. Lord forbid when anyone even suggests that Trump may be to blame for some of his own failures and problems. For the cheerleader crowd, Trump walks on water and can do no wrong.