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  1. #11
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    Something still doesn't seem right

    Let's review this more closely. Without congressional approval, Bush and Co. have gone behind the backs of the American people and have secretly put forth a plan that will unify the US/Canada/Mexico to create a North American version of the EU, correct?

    The question I have is why in the world would they create websites such as and for all to see, and expose their elaborate plans in such great detail if we were supposed to be kept in the dark about it?

    Let's think about this for a minute. Are they just being arrogant and figure that there's nothing the public can do about it so let's just bring it out into the open? Or is there some other purpose? Or am I just becoming even more paranoid and reading too much into this? It's a question that I've been wondering about. Anybody want to comment?

  2. #12
    Senior Member dman1200's Avatar
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    But critics say it's a case of pure protectionism and would prevent struggling U.S. airlines from getting badly needed cash.
    They make it sound like protectionism is a bad thing. Nothing is worth more than making a quick buck. Bush is a rotten SOB for pushing this. The hottest place in hell should be reserved for this piece of whale dung.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member curiouspat's Avatar
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    Let's think about this for a minute. Are they just being arrogant and figure that there's nothing the public can do about it so let's just bring it out into the open? Or is there some other purpose? Or am I just becoming even more paranoid and reading too much into this?
    IMO, only, I think they post because they believe that the American citizen just doesn't care. After all, they are NOT listening to the groundswell of citizens and LEGAL immigrants, shouting "NO"!

    I also agree, that they think there's nothing we can do. I don't believe it.

    We need to keep on letting them know, in growing numbers, that we want our current laws enforced, which will lead to lowering numbers by attrition. Close the borders. Enforce the laws re illegal aliens and employers who encourage them to come here, by hiring them. English only. No Social Security Totalization with Mexico. No anchor babies. No amnesty by any name. And let them know that this SPP, enacted without the consent of the PEOPLE is just plain wrong and unConstitutional, etc.

    Let me remind you of W's excellent article:

    How to Reverse Illegal Immigration in America
    TIME'S UP!
    Why should <u>only</u> AMERICAN CITIZENS and LEGAL immigrants, have to obey the law?!

  4. #14
    abigale's Avatar
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    117 is true, isn't it? Now we know WHY nothing is being done despite the fact that in poll after poll after poll, Americans are united in that WE want ENFORCEMENT only and NO Amnesty!

    I am surprised at the depth of my feelings of betrayal by those who were elected to represent US.

  5. #15
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    My sister and I have been trying to figure this exact thing out ourselves. Why make it open? They have to have a reason behind it.

    Maybe the powers that be think we are powerless to stop it. That is all I can think of. Maybe the did not count on the American people raising a fuss thinking they had dumbed down enough to not care.

  6. #16
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    Finally got done printing this......My foreign made printer only does 1 page at a time. My fault I know...

    I don't know what to think anymore.'s surprising they would put this info out for all the world to see if they were trying to cover it up. Yet at the same many places can you go in a day on the computer? I think they do put it out, just so they can can say it wasn't hidden and you're a fool for not finding it and reading it yourself. It was in the fine print at the bottom of the page!!!!! Look at how much time and effort is put in here each day with all of us working to find new articles and info. Who could do this alone? I think they depend on that. They have us all so spread thin it's hard enough to know what's going on in your community let alone what they let us know from around the world and even our own government.

    My memory escapes me alot but I do remember something from psychology and it was H somethings pyramid. Can't remember the guys name to save my life. What I do remember is stages. You can't spend the time with social issues if your out picking berries. You can't spend time with spiritual development if you're involved in the PTA. It had to do with personal advancement as well as a societies advancement. It also went in reverse as to how to control people. Mess with the necessities and you control everything. Both parents have to work and people don't see or even care beyond their front door. As long as I'm ok or my kids are OK......and we don't see beyond that. Then place people in the situation where they have to fight for the necessities of life and we aren't much better than cavemen. Brings multi-tasking to a new level.

    I think that's what they are doing....not only here but all over the world. What their agenda is I'm not sure because you can't control impoverished masses forever. They will revolt in one way or another. But for now....they are doing things right in front of our face but we're busy with life and don't notice.

    Any parent knows that kids have an intuition that lets them know just the right time to get away with things because you're attention isn't 100% on them. That's the way I see this government with us. But they're passing laws and bills and changing everything because no-one has the time to give 100% to an issue. These guys in the senate etc. sign bills they haven't even read!! Just like your kid might slip an absence excuse between all the pages that require your attention, while you're cooking dinner, on the phone, worried about bills and problems at the office etc. etc. etc. Just get it over!!! Then you find out the trouble you're in.

    Problem is....we have an aging population that has the time and the gumption to read these bills and put a little rift in their plans like they've never had before. They want us gone. We're making their agenda tough. KEEP MAKING IT TOUGH!!!!!
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  7. #17
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    Sorry.....just thinking of Sweden etc. and they are making a cave to store seeds etc. incase of a world catastrophy.

    They take care of their children, their elderly, are liberal and understanding and open to immigration etc. and it worked well.......till recently with their unassimilating group of immigrants. They are watching their utopia fall apart because of Muslims. They are very much like us watching their way of life be destroyed right before their eyes. But they look to the future coz they haven't had to start picking berries yet. Yet they are smart enough to realize a huge change is comming. What it it's going to happen.....who knows. But people know something is not right.

    There have been many civilizations but we only have evidence of a few. They are atleast seeing that. There is something definately not right with this whole thing.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #18
    Senior Member ruthiela's Avatar
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    Don't worry......I have sent this same document to Tom Tancredo. He does have it. I also sent it to Howard Coble here in NC.......and he has ignored it. But I made sure Tom Tancredo had it.
    I listened to my son talk. He is 41 years old. We sent him to Military School in Pennsylvania when he was in the 6th grade. So he spent 1 school year there and the remainder of the time we sent him to a Christian private school in Atlanta, Georgia. He told me that when he went to the Military school they taught leaders. What teaching they did was to brainwash the children into their way of thinking and doing things. They taught them about the pyramid.......the phythegorian ( I KNOW I didn't spell that right, but that's how it sounds)............they would even talk to them at night while they were sleeping, making sure they got the message across to their subconcious mind. Total brainwashing. They were making those children into WHO and WHAT THEY wanted them to be. Then in the Christian private schools they taught them management control. The same way........brainwashing.
    Now think about it people. Over the course of the last 20 years, the government has taken away all the rights of the parents where discipline is concerned. Now they are talking about not allowing Homeschooling. They, the government, is taking total control of our kids. Mind and body. It started with Dr. Spock. Remember? They took learning out of the book learning anymore.....did away with exercising in school.(alot of obsese kids today ain't there?)......put in junk foods for the kids to eat.(McDonalds, KFC etc).........Think about it.......THEY ARE INSTILLING THEIR WILL ON OUR CHILDREN. Big Businesses are controlling our government and our government is controlling us. Has been for years and years. And the children 20, 30 years ago are becoming? Senators, government officials, military leaders. If we don't take control and take control now of our government and get control of our own lives, it will be too late.
    They took books, per say, out of the schools......putting computers in front of them instead of booklearning. Calculators to do math instead of the brain. They teach them to play games..........that is what they are doing with my youngest grandchild. She's 10....and dumb. Her sister who graduated last year is dumber than she is. No reading, writing, arithmetic. Computer games............mind control........
    Cloe.......the reason they post it is so they can sit back and say......"Hey, we aren't pulling ANYTHING over on the people. All they have to do is look it up." But how many people know WHAT and WHY they should be looking up? They've been doing this for years and years. Ever since the internet came upon us from none other than BILL GATES........a member of the Bilderberg group. See people how it all goes hand in hand? Remember that article that said....."We don't worry about it. The American people are too dumb to read?" They won't take the time. Remember that article?
    But also think about book learning, no teaching (as we knew it) most kids can't even read and write for anything anymore. It's computers people. What is on the computers? A world of learning.......but NOT for the kids of today...........most can't read and write and they aren't trying to teach them to either. BUT THEY ALL KNOW HOW TO PLAY THOSE STUPID COMPUTER GAMES, DON'T THEY?
    Our government wants TOTAL CONTROL over all the people of the whole world.
    They weren't banking on us middleaged people remembering how to read and write. Or maybe they were..........Is that who the Concentration Camps are for? So they can control us????
    And do you know who is about the dumbest of all the people?
    OUR GOVERNMENT.........Look at Bush.......he can't even give a speech right.......Look at the Senators........they are willing to give away our country and not even blink an eye.
    END OF AN ERA 1/20/2009

  9. #19
    Senior Member greyparrot's Avatar
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    The question I have is why in the world would they create websites such as and for all to see, and expose their elaborate plans in such great detail if we were supposed to be kept in the dark about it?
    Here is my take:

    Websites such as are out there for "all to see" because they want to keep "US" fully informed on the progress they are making on the Security and Prosperity Partnership.

    Indeed, President Bush would be "shocked" if you didn't know about the SPP, after all, he and his two co-conspirators had full MSM coverage when they emerged from their March 2005 summit and announced that they had established the Security and Prosperity Partnership. Who could forget how they gushed to the press about working together, sharing ideas, strengthening relationships, cooperation, ect. While political pundits joked that it appeared that this appeared to be more a male bonding retreat than a summit, American citizens did exactly what the 3 amigo's had hoped to accomplish with their little show, they yawned.

    Now that the SPP is moving forward, at break-neck speed, I suspect that some form of "implied consent" law was used to bypass congressional scrutiny/approval.

  10. #20
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    1,569 ... E_ID=50728

    Read the article above. I guess for me this may have been the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. I am convinced that this nation, our beloved country, cannot stand for much longer with the government we have in Washington.

    -Our borders have been open for many, many years and not just since the current Bush has been in office.
    -They are allowing an invasion of our country and will not stop it.
    -The president of the United States has signed an agreement with foreign nations that will erase our borders and our sovreignty.
    -There is a superhighway well under way that will run right up the middle of the country.
    -In the article posted above the president of the United States has signed an agreement with a foreign hostile nation to allow their students to obtain an education in the United States on how to fly airplanes (read the article and you will understand).

    Our president is running around the globe making agreements with foreign nations without anyone saying boo about it.

    All of this and much more without anyone else in Washington barely saying a peep about any of it. Last time I checked there were 535 other elected officials in Washington that are supposed to be our voice, and 50 governors that should be aware of what is going on. The checks and balances inherent in our system are not working. Somebody in Congress should have been raising a fit about all of the above and more. They have to know about it. If we common citizens know about this, THEY HAVE TO!

    Sweden is a wreck with illegals. I was reading an article where several citizens were quoted and one woman they interviewed said she had to wear a dark colored wig out in public so she would not be a target for the muslims.

    The globalist are here and they are in our government. It is a fact that they have taken over our schools and the children of this country. Our children are being indoctrinated and brainwashed and it is getting worse and worse. I homeschool my children. I will not allow them to step foot in the school system. They are in every facet of our lives shoving this down our throats.

    I do not think that this nation can take 2 more years of this president and it is clear that the congress needs to be almost entirely cleared out. I know there are a few that we are hearing raising questions that need to be answered but the majority are not, which makes them just as culpable as the traitor in the White House.

    I am afraid for our future, my children's future.

    Unfortunately I only know the problems. I do not have the answers.[/quote]

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