Two Million Dollar Ad Buy Slams Democrat Mark Kelly Over Record on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Justice


A $2 million advertising buy from the Saving Arizona Political Action Committee slams Democrat incumbent Mark Kelly over his record on illegal immigration and criminal justice.

“Are you here illegally but need help getting your taxpayer benefits?” the advertisement inquires before going on to say, “Are you an inmate that wants your Biden stimulus check? Mark Kelly is here to help.”

Mark Kelly is a United States Senator who voted to allow prison inmates to receive stimulus checks five separate times,” the ad from Saving Arizona PAC explains, referencing the American Rescue Plan, which made some inmates eligible for stimulus checks.

“Here illegally? Use the emergency room for free. Call Mark Kelly today,” it continues.

“In jail for rape or murder but need that stimulus dough? Call Mark Kelly today,” the advertisement concludes.

Though the PAC has received $15 million dollars from billionaire Peter Thiel, they told NBC News that this advertisement buy was not funded by the tech billionaire.

The $2 million advertising buy comes alongside a new ad from the American Principles Project, which slammed the Democrat incumbent for his support of extreme transgender ideology. It alleges that “Mark Kelly is putting the profits of big pharma and big hospitals before protecting our kids, and even supports taking away parental rights.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s PAC, MAGA Inc, released an advertisement in favor of both Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake that warns, “The Biden Democrats surrendered our borders, created sky high inflation, and hired 87,000 new IRS agents to take more of your money.”

Kelly is still outspending Masters, however, with NBC News reporting “Kelly and his aligned forces have spent more than double what his opponent has since the Aug. 2 primary, with Kelly and his backers spending more than $48 million compared to north of $20 million on Masters’ behalf.”

Ad Slams Kelly Over Record on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Justice (