14th Amendment meant to protect American lives

February 27, 2011
by Daryl Metcalfe

Daryl Metcalfe is a Republican state representative from Butler County

To protect American lives, liberty, and property, the 14th Amendment must be upheld and defended by enforcing the original intent made clear in congressional debates and understood when it was ratified by the states.

Due to the current misapplication of the 14th Amendment, it is being used by foreign nationals to secure citizenship for their children who have no allegiance to the United States. The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that between 287,000 and 363,000 "anchor babies" are born annually in the United States to parents who cross our borders illegally and cost American taxpayers $113 billion annually.

In Pennsylvania, there are about 140,000 illegal aliens, who cost state taxpayers $1.4 billion annually for clothing, food, education, medication, and incarceration. Of that amount, about $576 million is spent on education, $33 million on health-care coverage under the state's Children's Health Insurance Program, and $221 million on child care.

Aside from the financial burden placed upon the backs of American citizens, there are crimes being committed by illegal aliens - homicide, rape, child molestation, human trafficking, drug running, and gang violence - that are entirely avoidable because those committing the crimes shouldn't be on our soil in the first place.

The three main incentives that draw illegal aliens here are: illegal jobs, illegal access to public benefits, and "anchor baby" citizenship. Correcting the misapplication of the 14th Amendment would eliminate the allure of crossing our borders illegally to have children.

According to the undisputable original intent of the 14th Amendment, the primary requirements for U.S. citizenship are allegiance to America and physical geography. The framers of the amendment were clear in their intent when defining citizenship:

During an 1866 congressional debate, Ohio Rep. John Bingham, considered one of the founding fathers of the 14th Amendment, stated: ". . . Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural-born citizen. . . ."

In the Senate, Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, said: "The provision is, that 'all persons born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.' . . . What do we mean by 'subject to the jurisdiction' of the United States? Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means."

The federal government is currently AWOL in fulfilling its constitutional responsibilities to protect American lives, liberty, property, and jobs against the clear and present dangers of illegal-alien invaders. The U.S. Constitution and the federal government were created by the states, and it is critical for state lawmakers to take action to address this economic burden and national security threat.

In 2007, I founded State Legislators for Legal Immigration (SLLI), which serves as a network for state legislators across the nation who are committed to working together in demanding full cooperation among our federal, state, and local governments in eliminating all economic attractions and incentives for illegal aliens, as well as securing our borders against unlawful invasion. Including Pennsylvania, there are lawmakers from 41 states signed on as members of SLLI.

Working with state legislators and constitutional scholars, legislation has been created that the states can use to correct the misapplication of the 14th Amendment, ultimately putting pressure on Congress to enforce its original intent.

The proposed legislation comprises a bill and a state compact that would eliminate the "anchor baby" status of children born in the United States to illegal-alien parents. The bill clarifies the original intent of the phrase subject to the jurisdiction thereof, and the compact would allow for the designation "natural-born U.S. citizen" on a birth certificate.

Our government has a constitutional duty to protect the lives, liberty, and property of American citizens, rather than foreign invaders. It must start living up to that responsibility.


http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/in ... 98798.html