Excerpts/summary (my emphasis added) of an interesting article.
To read the full article http://www.sptimes.com/2007/05/24/Opini ... ercl.shtml

U.S. imports an underclass

By GEORGE F. WILL Washington Post
Writers Group
Published May 24, 2007
Under current policies, America is importing an underclass, one "with the potential to expand indefinitely, " according to Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute.
From 1990 to 2004, Hispanics accounted for 92 percent of the increase in poor people.
Only 53 percent of Hispanics earn high school diplomas,
50% of children born to Hispanic-Americans in 2005 were born out of wedlock - a reliable predictor of social pathologies.

The legislation supposedly will split families. But the split has happened; it was done by illegal immigrants,, who left family members behind and are free to reunite with their families where they left them.

Robert Rector, of the Heritage Foundation, argued that low-skilled immigrants are costly to the welfare state at every point in their life cycle, and are very costly when elderly. Just the 9-million to 10-million illegal adults already here will, if given amnesty, cost an average of $300, 000 - cumulatively, more than $2.5-trillion - in various entitlements (Social Security, food stamps, Medicaid, housing, etc.) over 30 years.

In an attempt to anesthetize people who sensibly say "border control and workplace enforcement first, " important provisions of the legislation would supposedly be "triggered" only when control of the border is "certified" by the president. But , certification would be triggered -- not by border control -- but by the hiring of border control agents and other spending. So, the supposedly hardheaded aspects of the legislation actually rest on the delusion that spending equals the achievement of the intention behind the spending.

By that assumption, we must have long since tranquilized and democratized Iraq.