U.S. Sellout Accelerates!
By Guest Author: Allen Ide (06/03/07)

The one-world supporters in our congress are widening the scope of the proposed Amnesty Bill now under intense debate in the senate, as well as accelerating their timetable for getting it passed.

Beside increasing pressure on reluctant senators to pass the Amnesty legislation now, the bill’s leading supporters, Ted Kennedy, John McCain and Jon Kyle (Arizona), have added provisions to the bill which would legitimize the eventual formation of a North American Union – and with it the construction of a North America Super Highway – a plan that until now some of our elected officials told us was an urban legend …a myth…a fairy tale.

World Net Daily, under a Washington dateline states, “The controversial ‘Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007’ which would grant millions of illegal aliens the right to stay in the U.S. under certain conditions, contains provisions for the acceleration of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), a plan for North American Union (NAU) economic and defense integration.â€