Arizona is what happens when you don't address immigration reform

Contact your US Senator TODAY!

Last Friday, AZ Governor Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 into law. This new law makes racial profiling legal. It says that police must question anyone they have "reasonable suspicion" of being an undocumented immigrant. End result: police can now stop and harass people for no other reason than that they are brown-skinned or speak Spanish.

Instead of anti-immigrant state laws, we need to see congressional action on immigration reform. Do your part to move immigration reform forward. Urge your senator to publicly commit to immigration reform in 2010--including the United Farm Workers' bipartisan AgJOBS bill.

Thousands will be marching for immigration reform on May 1. Join them virtually by contacting your US Senators today and tell them to make public statements in favor of immigration reform.

The urgency of fixing our nation's broken immigration system cannot be overstated. Harsh state laws, such as the one just signed in Arizona, continue to terrorize our community, families continue to be separated, our economy suffers, and hardworking people are forced to live in the shadows of society, all because reform of our immigration system is long overdue.

The American people can wait no longer to reform our immigration policies. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi have recently committed to doing so, and President Obama promised us this change during his campaign. Now we need your help to hold the rest of the Senate accountable and make sure a bill is introduced this year.

Take action today and urge your senators to stand up for immigration reform now.