Remember when bloggers discovered the falsehood in Dan Rather's accusations and ruined his career?

Well bloggers have discovered another scandal - but this time it is with some blatantly false polls that the GOP is circulating around the media..

The story is here:

The Latest GOP Amnesty Scam

NewsMax Magazine / CFIF:

Right now — even as you read this letter — pro-amnesty forces in Washington are STILL scheming to grant amnesty to over 12 million illegal aliens. Can you believe it?

And it could happen in a matter of days unless good, decent Americans like you fight even harder than you’ve fought thus far.

Here’s one of the newest schemes — a new, highly-publicized Republican National Committee (RNC) poll that supposedly shows that: 70 percent of Americans and 64 percent of Republicans want “compromise” on the amnesty issue. The candidate who focuses only on border security loses to the candidate who talks about “comprehensive reform” (i.e. the “scamnesty” bill approved by the Senate) 25 percent to 71 percent.

Seems a little outlandish — doesn’t it?

Especially when you consider what Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC) recently said:

“My constituents are outraged by the Senate’s actions. I hear about it when I’m at the supermarket, when I am getting gas, when I’m doing constituent meetings. To a person, they mention immigration as a top-tier issue. And I’ve yet to hear one constituent say anything positive about the Senate bill.”

Just how did the RNC get those figures?

The answer of course is that the poll was skewed. Questions were asked in such a way as to guarantee a predetermined result.

Michael McKenna of the polling firm MWR Strategies put it best when he said the RNC poll was:

“[N]ot inaccurate as far as it goes, but it’s sure misleading… The questions themselves are clearly skewed, don’t come to the heart of the issue in any important kind of way and are clearly biased in favor of one side… The weight of the numbers and the weight of the evidence suggests that people’s main concern is border security and they view most of these proposals as amnesty.”

So now it would appear that pro-amnesty political leaders are commissioning skewed polls in a clumsy attempt to convince you, and possibly Members of the House of Representatives, that Americans really want amnesty after all.