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Success in the consular matriculations
26/08/2005 17:40
Antiguedad: 89 days

Category: Consular

More than 325 you register sent in the movable consulate in Huntsville, Alabama

Aspects of the consulate


The civil employees of the Mexican consulate in Atlanta making the proceedings of the applicants


The Mexicans arrived from early hours to reach the requests, that were given in rigorous order of arrival between the interested ones.

The past Saturday 20 of August a group of ten people of the General Consulate of Mexico in Atlanta, traveled to the city of Huntsville, Alabama, to send you register consular, to provide information on the different services that offer in the Consu- side, and to offer legal consultant's office to the assistants to the Movable Consulate who met in the hall the Church Holy Spirit. Due to excellent organi- zación on the part of coordinates them you gild of the event, could be made agile the mentos processes of revision of docu-, delivery of requests, and capture of information of the great amount of Mexican presents. The General Consul of Mexico in Atlanta mentioned that "In which reduces of the year, 4 will be made Consu- movable sides but: 2 in the State of Georgia and 2 in the State of Alabama, in addition to a Saturday that will open the Consular Representation in the month of December, to support to the connacionales that travel in that date to "Mexican Territory ".