
Lawmakers in Texas will be taking up birthright citizenship and other immigration issues this January. Republican state Representative Leo Berman has brought forth the bill regarding birthright citizenship and hopes that it reaches the Supreme Court.

Other bills include denial of in-state tuition, food stamps, health care and public housing for illegal aliens.

Unsurprisingly Democrats, the un-American ACLU and racist support group LULAC (League of Latin American Citizens) have vowed to fight the bills tooth and nail.

And of course we have some who seem to think that all laws have to be "Christian" such as this nitwit Democratic state Representative Norma Chavez

"It'd be an embarrassment for Texas to pass (Berman's) legislation," said Democratic state Rep. Norma Chavez of El Paso, who chairs the Texas House's border and international affairs committee. She called the measure un-Christian and un-American.

I think Norma Chavez needs to reread that part about separation of church and state. And she's the one in charge of border legislation?

What is un-American is allowing illegal foreign nationals to come here and take American taxpayer's money, disenfranchising American students and driving down American's wages. There's nothing more un-American than that