AG: mental health reform, illegal immigration tops in 2008
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Attorney General Bob McDonnell says he'll focus on mental health reform and illegal immigration in the General Assembly, which convenes tomorrow.

A top priority for McDonnell is lowering the commitment standard for the mentally ill, an effort that comes in response to the Virginia Tech shootings.

Currently, someone has to be considered an "imminent danger" to himself or others to be committed. McDonnell and others want that lowered to allow emergency custody orders, temporary detention orders and involuntary commitment for a person who poses a "threat of serious bodily harm."

Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and himself at Tech in April. Cho was ordered in 2005 to receive outpatient mental health care, but he never received the treatment.

McDonnell said today he supports several measures dealing with illegal immigrants who wind up in police custody. One bill would require law enforcement officers to notify federal immigration officials if someone in custody appears to be an illegal alien.

Another would deny bail for any illegal immigrant who is charged with a crime until after trial. ... 1&nav=S6aK