There have been several high profile assaults and robberies in the last few months, and the Lansdowne murder and attempted murder of a jogging couple has raised fear levels to a new high. The Lansdowne incident has generated comment levels not seen for some time at Loudoun Times Mirror and WaPo Loudoun Extra. Now there appears to be another suspicious death in Leesburg as reported by the Loudoun Times Mirror.

Is this a new trend for Loudoun County? There is certainly some correlation between this uptick in crime and the downturn of the economy. The comment threads linked to above have plenty of theories on this horrific crime, some linked to illegal immigrants, some to a group of teens selling door to door in the neighborhood, and some to the slain man’s former job as a CIA contractor.

While some of the commenters have jumped to conclusions about the illegal immigrant angle, there is no doubt that a number of high profile crimes in northern Virginia have been committed by illegal immigrants. As construction jobs disappear, it isn’t surprising that some of these illegals would turn to crime to make ends meet. This isn’t racist or xenophobic, it’s cold hard fact that is obvious if you regularly follow the news. Sorry if it is discomforting to some to hear it, but it is what it is.

Everyone should remain vigilant and look out for others, especially those who aren’t as able to protect themselves.

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