You guys see this yet? I just got it in an email.

Press Releases :: July 26, 2007
Carlos Espinosa 202-225-7882; T.Q. Houlton 202-225-7882


Tancredo Amendment to Free Ramos & Compean Passes House
(WASHINGTON, DC) – US Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) today celebrated a key victory for law enforcement and against criminal border crossers as his bill to prevent the Bush Administration from using any funds to enforce the judgment or sentences imposed by a federal judge in the case of U.S. vs. Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean passed by voice vote last night in the House of Representatives. The amendment will force the release of the two former Border Patrol agents whose case has been the focus of national news for several months.

“Last night we sent a clear message to the Administration to put the pressure back on criminals who smuggle drugs across our border rather than the people who protect us from them,â€