Today's Hot Topic: Immigration
Immigration: USA Today notes that the failure of the 1986 immigration reform bill seems to be "hovering over the Senate immigration debate like a malignant ghost," and argues that there is "no reason" that current Senators "can't write a bill that won't haunt their successors 20 years from now" ... the NYT criticizes Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) for adding an amendment to the Senate immigration bill on behalf of the Atlanta-based Home Depot. The amendment would "prohibit state and local laws that required big home-improvement stores to provide rudimentary shelter for day laborers" ... Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) argues that we "do not need the Senate immigration bill to secure the border" because "Congress has already passed laws authorizing border security." The problem, he says, is that the "Homeland Security Department has failed to fully implement" the already passed measures. ... ation.html