National Review Online
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Monday, June 30, 2008

We Don't Need no Stinkin' Deportation! [Mark Krikorian]

The mass-immigration crowd constantly assures us that although they don't want to deport the good, hard-working illegal aliens, they really, really, REALLY want to deport the nasty, criminal illegal aliens. Well, not exactly. In San Francisco, where the open-borders people can do what they really want, since there are no political constraints, they're shielding crack-dealing illegals from federal law enforcement:

San Francisco juvenile probation officials - citing the city's immigrant sanctuary status - are protecting Honduran youths caught dealing crack cocaine from possible federal deportation and have given some offenders a city-paid flight home with carte blanche to return.

The city's practices recently prompted a federal criminal investigation into whether San Francisco has been systematically circumventing U.S. immigration law, according to officials with knowledge of the matter.

Will Sen. McCain promise to use federal authority to punish state and local governments that are breaking the immigration law through "sanctuary" measures? (That's kind of a rhetorical question, obviously.)

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