What if McCain named Fred as his VP?
posted at 4:03 pm on January 21, 2008 by Allahpundit

A follow-up to Bryan’s post yesterday. Note well the results of Ruffini’s poll: Fred’s continued presence in the race is killing Romney, especially in Florida where he’s got double digits banked but probably won’t do better than fourth or fifth. If Huckabee was still a threat to win it’d be worth having Thompson around to take votes from him too, but he isn’t so it isn’t. All Huck is now is a stalking horse for McCain, lingering on to bleed social con votes from Mitt; if Fred stays in he’s playing the same part, a ball and chain on Romney’s other ankle in the first primary where Maverick can’t rely on Democrats and independents to push him through. Some Fredheads are fantasizing about him trudging along in hopes of a brokered convention, where he’d end up being the compromise candidate. So a guy who not only couldn’t win a primary but couldn’t do better than third place and the mid-teens even in the south is going to be The Man in November? Sounds like a plan.

The Politico piece linked above speculates that McCain may promise the VP slot to Huckabee to stay in but he’s got enough problems with conservatives that he can’t afford another “centristâ€