What impact does a fence make?

French filmmakers ask that question along border

Por: Omar Millán 14 Febrero 2012 @ 3:00 pm
Tamaño: Aumentar Tamaño de Letra Disminuir Tamaño de Letra

Documentary explores how communities worldwide are divided by walls, including this one that divides Tijuana and San Diego. David Maung / SanDiegoRed.com

TIJUANA – A French company is filming a documentary called “Eight Walls that Divide the World,” which explores what these structures mean to the communities separated by them.

Two independent filmmakers, Elsa Putelat y Nicolas Dupuis, from the company Unik Production, met on Monday with Mayor Carlos Bustamante, whom they interviewed about the wall that divides Tijuana and San Diego.

And they filmed the wall, from where it begins on the beach at Playas de Tijuana, to the industrial zone Mesa de Otay, to the historic neighborhood of colonia Libertad, where they talked to residents about it.

The filmmakers said their documentary would include walls in Cyprus, Israel, South Korea, India and Morocco.

“The goal is to understand the impact a wall has on the inhabitants of a region, to know their experiences, and what this means to them,” said Putelat. “We’re also looking for official voices.”

One of them is the mayor of Tijuana.

With cameras rolling, the mayor said that the wall that divides Tijuana and San Diego does not exist in the minds of many Tijuana residents because they can cross the border with a passport; that the end result of this wall was to inhibit illegal crossing into the United States.

“The wall is a political symbol,” he said. “People continue their relationship with families and friends (on the other side of the border) without any problem. The inhabitants of Tijuana and San Diego have a strong relationship, which is reflected in the projects the cities do together.”


What impact does a fence make? - Noticias - SanDiegoRed