Whatever Happened to NC Voice?

Greetings and thank you to all those who came out in support of our "Secure Our Borders" rally August 4th. To those of you who couldn't make it last time I promise you will get another chance to participate.

Small grassroots movements are popping up all over the country and beginning to network together for a common cause. The people of this country are waking up from their daze and realizing that the future of their children is at stake. People are becoming aware that their government is not only not listening to them, but in fact in some cases working directly against the will of the people. It is inspiring to see positive change emerging as men and women step forward even in the face of criticism and condemnation to speak their mind and have their voices heard. Too long have Americans been compelled by their peers to sit down and shut up even when they knew what they were speaking was truth. Congratulations America for finding your courage and your patriotism!

I want to take this opportunity to announce that NC Voice will have it's own much needed website shortly. We are trying to design it to be not only an effective tool in our coming battle with the OBL crowd and the pro-illegal forces, but also something interesting and different from the more traditional websites. Expansion capabilities are planned so that we will be able to network with and assist other groups throughout North Carolina and beyond. We plan to be an informational site initially. Hopefully when we have normalized relations with all the other anti-illegal groups we might even be able to become active politically once a clear choice in candidates emerges. In any event, stay tuned!

In case you did not see them already, Chapel Hill Blog featured several photos from our previous rally, as well as several YouTube videos which they created. Please be sure and check them out, and comment on them for those nice folks while you're there!

I apologize to all you folks who come to the blog to visit from time to time and wondered where the heck we went, but as you can see we have been pretty busy! I encourage you to make the leap not only with us as we move to our new site, but also as we press onward in pursuit of a better and safer America! If you're looking for a group to join locally, write to us at NC Voice, P.O. Box 124 Swepsonville, NC 27359 and we'll do our best to get you involved and excercise your potential. All we ask is that you come with a clear and open mind, have no race issues or prejudices, and don't mind putting forth a little effort for a just cause.

Thanks again for stopping by,

Michael Kelley
Acting Director, NC Voice