June 28, 2007 7:00 AM

When Amnesty Goes National
Life after the grand immigration compromise.

http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZW ... IyMzRkOWU=

By John Shadegg

The Senate has agreed to bring the immigration bill back upon the promise that proponents will throw more money at enforcement. Regrettably, if the Senate bill passes, enforcement dollars won’t matter. Consider the following scenario that could easily go from hypothetical to reality if this bill becomes law:

On September 12, 2007, the Senate immigration bill, previously signed by President Bush, becomes law. Two days later, on September 14, at 3:20 A.M., Border Patrol Agent Len Stafford observes four individuals crossing the U.S. — Canada border, 30 miles northeast of Bellingham, Washington.

Agent Stafford apprehends the four suspected illegal aliens eight yards inside the U.S. border. Their names are Smith, Jones, Adams, and Brown.

Upon apprehension, Jones, knowing the law well, advises Agent Stafford that the four suspects are eligible for the new “Zâ€