June 20, 2009
When It Comes to Illegal Aliens, We the People Are FED UP!
By John Lillpop

President Barack Obama
Members of the United States Congress

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

Patriotic Americans all across our great land are flying the American flag upside down this morning, at least metaphorically, to signify that our once great nation is under attack and in severe distress.

At issue is nothing less vital than homeland security, rule of law, American sovereignty, and preservation of American language and culture, all of which are threatened by the latest amnesty legislation that appears to be gaining some acceptance in Washington, D.C.

Although the term amnesty has been carefully avoided, the fact is that the proposed legislation would legalize millions of illegal aliens who have thumbed their noses at U.S. borders and immigration laws for their own selfish purposes.

At a time when our nation’s unemployment rate is headed toward 10 percent and American taxpayers are being drowned in trillions of dollars of debt, what could possibly cause any responsible leader to even consider rewarding 12-38 illiterate peasants with American citizenship?

The proposed amnesty would reward break and enter criminals, while millions of others across the globe are penalized for obeying the law.

President Obama and prominent members of the U.S. Congress are even promising that the new legislation will improve border security and reduce illegal immigration.

With all due respect, simply legalizing illegal behavior hardly qualifies as a credible way to restore rule of law.

Ladies and gentlemen, the latest proposal indicates that either you are not listening or we are not shouting loud enough.

Just to make sure that our views are clearly understood, please be advised that we the people are FED UP with the attempt to undermine American sovereignty, homeland security, and culture.

In short, we the people are:

FED UP with the refusal of the federal government to secure our borders at time of war.

FED UP when armed Mexicans illegally cross our borders and assault Americans, yet our government takes no action, and refuses to even protest.

FED UP when Americans defending the U.S. from drug smuggling illegal aliens are sent to federal prison, while invading criminals are to be forgiven via amnesty for violating our borders and laws.

FED UP with the fact that upwards of 30 million illegal aliens are currently in America, costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

FED UP with a president who orders thousands of young Americans into harm’s way thousands of miles from home, but who refuses to secure America.

FED UP with politicians who refuse to enforce immigration laws and who claim it is “impossibleâ€