State business leaders want immigration law reconsidered
Associated Press - February 17, 2008 5:25 PM ET

TULSA, Okla. (AP) - State business leaders are discussing possible efforts to encourage lawmakers to reconsider parts of Oklahoma's new anti-illegal immigration law.

Some of those efforts could include a public information campaign about what they say are insidious aspects of the law, which is considered to be the nation's toughest such legislation at the state level.

The measure, House Bill 1804, was passed by the Legislature last year and was signed into law by Governor Brad Henry.

It went into effect for the public sector on November 1st and will go into effect July 1st for private-sector employers.

Among other things, it bars illegal immigrants from receiving tax-supported services, requires employers to verify the immigration status of their employees and exposes employers to legal action for hiring unauthorized immigrants in place of U.S. citizens.

Those who support changes in the law acknowledge that their efforts might not be well-received by leaders in state government.