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  1. #1
    JAK is offline
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    I hope this is not a duplicate post. I couldn't find it so thought I would enter it and share it with all of you.

    I received in an email ...

    By Frosty Wooldridge
    February 27, 2006
    As a teacher, I sat dumbfounded last May 16, 2005, when the Rocky Mountain News inked a story, "What Happened?" to a stunned Denver, Colorado audience.
    In a five year study starting in 1999 in Denver Public Schools, 5,663 students started the eighth grade. Five years later, only 1,884 graduated from high school. That's a 65 percent drop out/flunk out rate! That's pathetic, if not frightening. What was the cause? First of all, 30,000 illegal aliens, speaking 40 different languages, attended Denver schools. Our classrooms*suffered*thousands of kids functionally illiterate in English with parents*functionally illiterate in English and Spanish. The classrooms*featured*so*much incompatible diversity that it created horrific tension,*stabbings*and*death.*Thus, American kids suffered a profoundly dumbed-down educational*process. One in five teachers quit or transferred out of those Denver*classrooms every nine month cycle during those five years.*
    Last week, the Denver Post announced that 30 percent of teachers*in*Denver schools were not coming back next year. This is a nationwide*travesty. Why? As a teacher, I taught in the inner city in the 1970s.*It's*exasperating beyond understanding to walk into a classroom where*children*suffer learning disabilities, broken homes, teen pregnancies at 14,*15,*16,*multiple languages and violent confrontations with other ethnic*groups.*It's impossible to teach. I left my idealism in the ghetto and*escaped*to a suburban school. But, today, teachers can't escape because over*1.5*million illegal alien students with more than 100 languages attend*our*kids'*schools nationwide. We witness a national breakdown in education.
    Last week, Superintendent Roy Romer of Los Angeles public schools*resigned in frustration and defeat. California schools match the*violence*of a war zone.*Can you imagine such a failure rate across the country? Can you*imagine the consequences of an illiterate generation leading this*Republic*into the 21st century? Folks, this country won't make it. Where is*the*outrage?
    It takes four aspects for a free and democratic society to*maintain*itself. It requires a highly educated population that can write,*read,*think and vote intelligently. It takes a similar moral code whereby*everyone adheres to the common good. It requires a similar code of*ethics*whereby citizens adhere to honesty, doing what is right and*maintaining*those ethics throughout the social fabric. Finally, it takes a*similar*language that allows citizens to discuss, debate and resolve*problems.*We*compromise all four with an invasion exceeding four million new*people*into*the USA annually...20 million illegals to date and climbing. We allow*the disintegration of our nation without a whimper. Where is the*outrage?
    Last Monday, February 20, 2006, the Rocky Mountain News reported,*"Mile-High Drug Hub" making Denver the leading center for drug*distribution*in the United States. It's part of MS-13 Gang's dispersal of $128*billion*in drugs crossing our border with Mexico every year. Ironically,*Congress*guards South Korea's border with 37,000 troops with our billions in*tax*dollars, pats down gray-haired ladies at our airports, spends $80*billion*annually on the war on drugs, but leaves our border unguarded*allowing*that*$128 billion in drugs to cross year after year. Additionally,*terrorists*from any country can walk over the Mexican border with a 99 percent*chance*of succeeding.*Where is the outrage?
    With a growing illegal alien population exceeding 300,000 in*Colorado, the state House legislators on Wednesday of last week*defeated*six bills to stop illegal alien migration. One particular bill, HB1134,*would have given cops the ability to arrest, detain and deport*illegals.*It*was soundly defeated after dozens of citizens, including this*Coloradan,*testified to support the bill's passage. *I demanded, "We are tired of being collateral damage for illegal*aliens. We're tired of being raped, killed, robbed and our schools*being*trashed by multiple languages while our medical systems take better*care*of*illegals than our own citizens."
    Representative Francesca Natividad Coleman remarked that it was a*Federal issue. I retorted, "We're the ones getting killed and raped*here*locally and we're tired of it." Last year, three Coloradans were*killed*by*illegals; Greeley, Colorado suffered 270 hit and run car accidents*alone;*eight rapes by illegal aliens in Boulder and thousands of robberies.*Where*is the outrage?
    To top off the crisis in our Denver schools, the Rocky Mountain*News reported the next day, February 21, 2006, "Welfare Surges 45%"*with*an*increase of 4,743 cases. They said it was tough job hunting, but*neglected*to mention that 300,000 illegal aliens in Colorado stole jobs from*Coloradans in every sector: drywall, construction, landscaping, fast*food,*house painting, janitorial, paving and dozens of other jobs formerly*worked*by Coloradans.*Where is the outrage?
    Denver Mayor Hickenlooper hired illegal aliens long before he was*mayor and one of his illegal employees, Raul Gomez-Garcia, killed*Denver*police officer Don Young last May. Hickenlooper stood in direct*violation*of federal laws and could have been fined $2, 000.00 per illegal*alien*hired (estimated at 70 working in his restaurants) and he could have*gone*to prison for five years. Governor Owens actually endorsed a booklet*showing illegal aliens how to imbed themselves in Colorado. He aided*and*abetted illegal aliens, but didn't receive a slap on the wrist. Where*is*the outrage?
    Since it's happening in my state with 300,000 illegal aliens, can*you imagine what is happening in California with three million? Or,*North*Carolina with one million? How about Illinois with one million*illegals? *How about Texas with 1.5 million? I know Texans pay over $4.1 billion*annually for educating their massive load of student illegals Where*is*the*outrage?
    We're being colonized with over nine million illegal alien*Mexicans*crashing our schools, medical systems, language, culture, parks, tax*and*welfare systems. One look at the headlines of major newspapers across*the*country echoes and mirrors the Rocky Mountain News. *Where is the outrage?
    It stupefies me beyond comprehension that Americans sit back and*watch this invasion of their country without any outrage. Worse,*without*any response!* More than that--without a concern for their own kids'*future! *Even more horrific, the line of immigrants from Mexico (and the*world)*shows no sign of stopping, as the number of Mexicans grows from their*current 106 million to 200 million in this century.
    As I open this can of worms weekly; as I expose this accelerating*national crisis weekly; as you experience its quickening day by day,*I*would think the outrage would reach fantastic levels. But it is not! *In*fact, Bush, Congress and governors of all 50 states not only watch it*happen they actively aid and abet it Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania*wants*to*add another one to two million legal immigrants annually. Senators*John*McCain and Ted Kennedy want to give amnesty to 20 million illegals*and*add*more in a guest worker program. Utah's Chris Cannon welcomes millions*of*Mexicans as he encourages their takeover of our country. His sidekick*Senator Orrin Hatch mirrors that sentiment. Representative Joe Baca*of*California actively promotes the takeover of California by Mexico as*he*endorses "Reconquista of Aztlan." As Mark Twain said, "Suppose you*were*an*idiot; and suppose you were a member of Congress; but then, I repeat*myself." Twain got it right, but where is the outrage?
    While 85 to 95 percent of the American public wants our borders*secured, they stand around quietly sucking their thumbs while doing*nothing. However, the outrage and arrogance of millions of illegal*alien*migrants in America advances like Paris, France's recent experience*with*immigration...10,000 fire bombed cars and a month-long conflagration!* *We*watched stupidly as if it won't happen to us. Think again! *Of the thousands of emails I receive, the worst and the most*frightening ones are from citizens who tell me, "Keep your powder*dry!"
    (C) 2006 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved
    Please help save America for our children and grandchildren... they are counting on us. THEY DESERVE the goodness of AMERICA not to be given to those who are stealing our children's future! ... and a congress who works for THEM!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Senior Member bearpaw's Avatar
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    I agree. It's as if Americans are walking around in a trance. Maybe a UFO paid us a visit and sprayed something in our atmosphere.
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  3. #3
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    The first thing, Americans should stop hireingthese illegals. I myself paid more 30% in a e;etrician handy man work, just not to hire an illegal. Tell me who else started doing this ?

  4. #4
    Senior Member CheyenneWoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bearpaw
    I agree. It's as if Americans are walking around in a trance. Maybe a UFO paid us a visit and sprayed something in our atmosphere.
    That sure would explain the apathy. But, question is, why didn't the members on this board get sprayed?

    Too many of them, I suspect, are too busy being soccer moms, workaholic dads, etc., to look up and realize that, in fact, the sky is falling.

    It'll be a horrible crash when it hits them finally. Or maybe it's just denial that this could happen in our wonderful system.

  5. #5
    Senior Member bearpaw's Avatar
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    Too many of them, I suspect, are too busy being soccer moms, workaholic dads, etc., to look up and realize that, in fact, the sky is falling.
    I don't know wither to cry out of frustration or shake me head at them in disgust.
    Work together for the benefit of all mankind

  6. #6
    JAK is offline
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    The first thing, Americans should stop hireingthese illegals. I myself paid more 30% in a e;etrician handy man work, just not to hire an illegal. Tell me who else started doing this ?
    Minnie, count me in. I won't spend dollars with anyone who even looks like they have illegals working for them. All Americans SHOULD be doing this. I would rather have inconvience than the horrifying thought of what could be. It may be hard to believe that this could happen in this country...but it is happening and if we don't stand together with one voice to STOP THIS day it's going to be too late!
    Please help save America for our children and grandchildren... they are counting on us. THEY DESERVE the goodness of AMERICA not to be given to those who are stealing our children's future! ... and a congress who works for THEM!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  7. #7
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    Great JAK let's try to spread this idea at least through Alipac.

  8. #8
    Senior Member bearpaw's Avatar
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    The first thing, Americans should stop hireingthese illegals. I myself paid more 30% in a e;etrician handy man work, just not to hire an illegal. Tell me who else started doing this ?
    I agree. My husband and I either do our work or hire legal workers only. We make that very clear up front. We firmly believe that people who knowingly hire illegals are part of the problem and not the solution. The turn around process needs to start with each individual.
    Work together for the benefit of all mankind

  9. #9
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    Happy to know this, here in Miami is an extintion class (American or legal handymen) ,I'm talking to all my friends to take this attitude too.

  10. #10
    Senior Member sippy's Avatar
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    Minnie, count me in. I won't spend dollars with anyone who even looks like they have illegals working for them. All Americans SHOULD be doing this. I would rather have inconvience than the horrifying thought of what could be. It may be hard to believe that this could happen in this country...but it is happening and if we don't stand together with one voice to STOP THIS day it's going to be too late!
    You are so right.
    I have several friends who own their own contractor businesses. One of them does drywall, the other does painting.

    Interestingly enough, 5 years ago, both of my friends started hiring American workers, and slowly removed the immigrant worker from each of their teams.

    Ironically, they started to receive more business and bigger accounts.
    Each of my friends attribute this to several things. 1) hiring better skilled workers 2) paying better wages.
    Each company was losing money due to 1 out of 3 jobs had to be done again.

    Their profits are higher because each of them are not having to do the same job twice (as before).
    Each have earned a much better reputation in the construction business.

    One last interesting fact. Both of these guys have hired some teen age kids (who couldn't find jobs for some reason) and paid them each $9.00 /hr to help clean up and be apprentices of the Journeyman painters and drywallers. These kids have their friends literally calling each of my friends each day wanting to come and work for summer jobs.

    Well, who would have thunk?
    So eat that one Mr. BOOSH. I am not buying your crap of Americans not doing these jobs.
    "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results is the definition of insanity. " Albert Einstein.

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