I hope this is not a duplicate post. I couldn't find it so thought I would enter it and share it with all of you.

I received in an email ...

By Frosty Wooldridge
February 27, 2006
As a teacher, I sat dumbfounded last May 16, 2005, when the Rocky Mountain News inked a story, "What Happened?" to a stunned Denver, Colorado audience.
In a five year study starting in 1999 in Denver Public Schools, 5,663 students started the eighth grade. Five years later, only 1,884 graduated from high school. That's a 65 percent drop out/flunk out rate! That's pathetic, if not frightening. What was the cause? First of all, 30,000 illegal aliens, speaking 40 different languages, attended Denver schools. Our classrooms*suffered*thousands of kids functionally illiterate in English with parents*functionally illiterate in English and Spanish. The classrooms*featured*so*much incompatible diversity that it created horrific tension,*stabbings*and*death.*Thus, American kids suffered a profoundly dumbed-down educational*process. One in five teachers quit or transferred out of those Denver*classrooms every nine month cycle during those five years.*
Last week, the Denver Post announced that 30 percent of teachers*in*Denver schools were not coming back next year. This is a nationwide*travesty. Why? As a teacher, I taught in the inner city in the 1970s.*It's*exasperating beyond understanding to walk into a classroom where*children*suffer learning disabilities, broken homes, teen pregnancies at 14,*15,*16,*multiple languages and violent confrontations with other ethnic*groups.*It's impossible to teach. I left my idealism in the ghetto and*escaped*to a suburban school. But, today, teachers can't escape because over*1.5*million illegal alien students with more than 100 languages attend*our*kids'*schools nationwide. We witness a national breakdown in education.
Last week, Superintendent Roy Romer of Los Angeles public schools*resigned in frustration and defeat. California schools match the*violence*of a war zone.*Can you imagine such a failure rate across the country? Can you*imagine the consequences of an illiterate generation leading this*Republic*into the 21st century? Folks, this country won't make it. Where is*the*outrage?
It takes four aspects for a free and democratic society to*maintain*itself. It requires a highly educated population that can write,*read,*think and vote intelligently. It takes a similar moral code whereby*everyone adheres to the common good. It requires a similar code of*ethics*whereby citizens adhere to honesty, doing what is right and*maintaining*those ethics throughout the social fabric. Finally, it takes a*similar*language that allows citizens to discuss, debate and resolve*problems.*We*compromise all four with an invasion exceeding four million new*people*into*the USA annually...20 million illegals to date and climbing. We allow*the disintegration of our nation without a whimper. Where is the*outrage?
Last Monday, February 20, 2006, the Rocky Mountain News reported,*"Mile-High Drug Hub" making Denver the leading center for drug*distribution*in the United States. It's part of MS-13 Gang's dispersal of $128*billion*in drugs crossing our border with Mexico every year. Ironically,*Congress*guards South Korea's border with 37,000 troops with our billions in*tax*dollars, pats down gray-haired ladies at our airports, spends $80*billion*annually on the war on drugs, but leaves our border unguarded*allowing*that*$128 billion in drugs to cross year after year. Additionally,*terrorists*from any country can walk over the Mexican border with a 99 percent*chance*of succeeding.*Where is the outrage?
With a growing illegal alien population exceeding 300,000 in*Colorado, the state House legislators on Wednesday of last week*defeated*six bills to stop illegal alien migration. One particular bill, HB1134,*would have given cops the ability to arrest, detain and deport*illegals.*It*was soundly defeated after dozens of citizens, including this*Coloradan,*testified to support the bill's passage. *I demanded, "We are tired of being collateral damage for illegal*aliens. We're tired of being raped, killed, robbed and our schools*being*trashed by multiple languages while our medical systems take better*care*of*illegals than our own citizens."
Representative Francesca Natividad Coleman remarked that it was a*Federal issue. I retorted, "We're the ones getting killed and raped*here*locally and we're tired of it." Last year, three Coloradans were*killed*by*illegals; Greeley, Colorado suffered 270 hit and run car accidents*alone;*eight rapes by illegal aliens in Boulder and thousands of robberies.*Where*is the outrage?
To top off the crisis in our Denver schools, the Rocky Mountain*News reported the next day, February 21, 2006, "Welfare Surges 45%"*with*an*increase of 4,743 cases. They said it was tough job hunting, but*neglected*to mention that 300,000 illegal aliens in Colorado stole jobs from*Coloradans in every sector: drywall, construction, landscaping, fast*food,*house painting, janitorial, paving and dozens of other jobs formerly*worked*by Coloradans.*Where is the outrage?
Denver Mayor Hickenlooper hired illegal aliens long before he was*mayor and one of his illegal employees, Raul Gomez-Garcia, killed*Denver*police officer Don Young last May. Hickenlooper stood in direct*violation*of federal laws and could have been fined $2, 000.00 per illegal*alien*hired (estimated at 70 working in his restaurants) and he could have*gone*to prison for five years. Governor Owens actually endorsed a booklet*showing illegal aliens how to imbed themselves in Colorado. He aided*and*abetted illegal aliens, but didn't receive a slap on the wrist. Where*is*the outrage?
Since it's happening in my state with 300,000 illegal aliens, can*you imagine what is happening in California with three million? Or,*North*Carolina with one million? How about Illinois with one million*illegals? *How about Texas with 1.5 million? I know Texans pay over $4.1 billion*annually for educating their massive load of student illegals Where*is*the*outrage?
We're being colonized with over nine million illegal alien*Mexicans*crashing our schools, medical systems, language, culture, parks, tax*and*welfare systems. One look at the headlines of major newspapers across*the*country echoes and mirrors the Rocky Mountain News. *Where is the outrage?
It stupefies me beyond comprehension that Americans sit back and*watch this invasion of their country without any outrage. Worse,*without*any response!* More than that--without a concern for their own kids'*future! *Even more horrific, the line of immigrants from Mexico (and the*world)*shows no sign of stopping, as the number of Mexicans grows from their*current 106 million to 200 million in this century.
As I open this can of worms weekly; as I expose this accelerating*national crisis weekly; as you experience its quickening day by day,*I*would think the outrage would reach fantastic levels. But it is not! *In*fact, Bush, Congress and governors of all 50 states not only watch it*happen they actively aid and abet it Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania*wants*to*add another one to two million legal immigrants annually. Senators*John*McCain and Ted Kennedy want to give amnesty to 20 million illegals*and*add*more in a guest worker program. Utah's Chris Cannon welcomes millions*of*Mexicans as he encourages their takeover of our country. His sidekick*Senator Orrin Hatch mirrors that sentiment. Representative Joe Baca*of*California actively promotes the takeover of California by Mexico as*he*endorses "Reconquista of Aztlan." As Mark Twain said, "Suppose you*were*an*idiot; and suppose you were a member of Congress; but then, I repeat*myself." Twain got it right, but where is the outrage?
While 85 to 95 percent of the American public wants our borders*secured, they stand around quietly sucking their thumbs while doing*nothing. However, the outrage and arrogance of millions of illegal*alien*migrants in America advances like Paris, France's recent experience*with*immigration...10,000 fire bombed cars and a month-long conflagration!* *We*watched stupidly as if it won't happen to us. Think again! *Of the thousands of emails I receive, the worst and the most*frightening ones are from citizens who tell me, "Keep your powder*dry!"
(C) 2006 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved