by David Tatosian
Who You Gonna Believe...?
August 21, 2006 10:42 AM EST

Arriving a tad early to her "One-on-One" Town Hall Meeting, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky assured the roomful of constituents in the Des Plaines Public Library (Des Plaines, IL) that she was there to answer questions. So with the formalities out of the way, the Representative proceeded to call on her first constituent.

The first question addressed the horrors of global warming and drilling for oil in Alaska. Rep. Schakowsky reminded us of her sound record on the environment and pointed out the flagrant disregard Republicans exhibited concerning environmental issues. She suggested we see Mr. Gore's movie.

The second attendee asked two questions: First, If someone enters your house uninvited, is it a crime? After some consideration, Rep. Schakowsky granted that that situation might be construed as trespassing. Second: Do you support a moratorium on the deportation of illegal immigrants? to which Mrs. Schakowsky emphatically answered "Yes."

The questioner wanted to know the whys and wherefores of her reasoning, but the good congresswoman mumbled something about the 'Day Without Mexicans' movie and moved to the next questioner: What is Congress doing about the nightmare of global warming?

Rep. Schakowsky listed the Democratic party's efforts to fund alternative fuel source research and development, a commitment to reduce our dependence on unstable oil producing regions, the lack of Republican response to environmental imperatives, obscene oil profits and whatever hope there might be in a duly elected Democratic majority committed to the elimination of global warming.

The next inquirer mentioned a news account of an older American citizen, a veteran, who had undergone emergency surgery costing money that he didn't have. According to the story, the man subsequently lost his house to his medical bills while an illegal immigrant in the same hospital received treatment, free of charge, totaling twice the veteran's amount. Why, wondered the inquirer, would an American citizen be forced to pay such an extreme price while an illegal immigrant paid nothing? Why are illegal immigrants treated better than American citizens?

The room burst into applause.

The Patriot Corporations of America Act of 2006, legislation co-sponsored and introduced by Rep. Schakowsky June of this year that would create a new class of companies committed to uphold the dignity and prosperity of American workers was brought up. The questioner asked how Mrs. Schakowsky's support of that legislation squared with her support of a moratorium on the deportation of illegal immigrant workers.

A grandfather worried that there would be no America left for his grandchildren.

Another insisted America had the right to secure its own borders. The room applauded.

One more suggested if the illegal immigrants were gone there would be more work. The room applauded.

As the hour and a half passed, Mrs. Schakowsky took on a look of stunned disbelief that would have been funny if it hadn't so clearly illustrated the profound disconnection between our representatives and their own constituents.

And certainly, as an elected official publicly committed to a moratorium on deportation, she must have been a little unnerved at the outbursts of approval that accompanied the very mention of deportation.

The morning after Rep. Schakowsky's unpleasant brush with reality, Elvira Arellano, having been granted immunity from American immigration laws by the illegal alien activists at St. Adalbert United Methodist Church in Chicago, held a press conference.

In front of a chanting handful and a gaggle of news cameras, Dolores Huerta, cofounder of the UFW stated, "We cannot allow our children to be second-class citizens, so I want to thank Elvira because this is a struggle not just for her and her son Saul, she is doing this on behalf of the three million children in the United States who are citizens of the United States and whose parents face deportation every single day because they do not have the documents. This is a moral outrage, it's a moral outrage."

Miss Huerta called for all churches to offer sanctuary to illegal immigrants because this movement of sanctuary needs to spread throughout the United States of America and we're going to ask our congressmen to pass a law that would protect our citizen-children of the United States whose parents are undocumented so that their parents will not face deportation and they will not be deprived of their future."

Another activist stated, "Children born in the US are citizens under the 14th amendment. That is the law. That is the supreme law of the US."

The statement is correct.

I support the deportation of illegal aliens, despite the opposition of pro-illegal alien activists, from President Bush to your local MS 13 members, but pulling children from the arms of their criminal parents en masse is not a process I particularly want my government to engage in.

The illegals, waving their children like a bloody shirt while once again taking advantage of our compassion and humanity, may have won this round too.

The town of Hazelton Pa., which recently passed a number of anti-illegal alien statutes, has claimed that the illegals are leaving in large numbers. While it's unlikely that those illegals have returned to their respective countries of origin, the statutes have had their desired effect in that the illegals are no longer in Hazelton.

Which is great for Hazelton. They deserve to live in their own country without being subjected to the ill effects of a large body of hostile illegal alien foreign nationals.

But where are those hostiles headed?

Will breathless media types soon subject us to heartbreaking stories of "Refugees In America" featuring carloads of Latin American bedouins encamped at rest areas and exit ramps throughout the country?

Will those unjustly displaced and angry illegal aliens be headed for a sanctuary city near you?

And when tough talking politicians once again issue sound bites instead of decent legislation, will the faithful remain so and reward those politicians with reelection?

Is, say, a Denny Hastert, who has prevented Congress from fulfilling its duty to address illegal immigration, an issue that grows worse by the day, worthy of support or reelection?

Well, who you gonna believe, good old Denny or your lyin' eyes?

Sources: ... orpPC.html