Why does the 12 million illegal aliens guesstimate figure never change?
Friday, 19 September 2008
By Harold Wylie: Editor, Borderfire Report

Two years ago the gusstimated total of 6 to 8 million illegal aliens that have invaded our borders was revised to include the number 12 million or so illegal aliens. I don't call these people immigrants. An immigrant lawfully migrates to another country legally and with proper documentation. Illegal Aliens, sneak, swim, crawl under fences or use any other method available to them to violate immigration laws.

My question is that the number of illegal aliens that illegally cross our border daily include the number of 6500 persons for each 24 hour period. How can the guesstimated number of illegal aliens remain at 12 million over a two year period.

Some will say that several thousand will self deport daily and that lowers the number of Illegal aliens currently in the country. To that to which I say hogwash...Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Self-deport program fell flat with only 8 of 457,000 fugitive aliens accepting the self deportation program. That seems to me br a far cry from the known illegal alien fugitive known to be in the country illegally.

It is interesting to me to note that 12 million illegal aliens is the reported number by the media and politicans but ImmigrationCounters.com has the number much higher at 21,800,000 and we've had and have reports of much higher numbers of illegal aliens currently in the United States.

What were (immigration officials) smoking when they came up with that idea?" said Ardell Barr, a Texas resident who is vice president of Texans for Immigration Reform, an organization that advocates for stricter immigration controls. "Here's somebody (an immigrant) who spent thousands of dollars going through a horrible trek through the desert, and jeopardizing their own life just to get here, and here they think they're just going to go home because we said they can? They didn't ask for our permission
to come, why would they ask for our permission to go home?"

No I don't know the reason this 12 million illegal alien figure remains the same after two additional years but a look at the position of both major candidates may provide an answer however. First we must backtrack a little to the 1986 Amnesty.

Amnesty was authorized for a estimated 3.1 million illegal aliens. If memory serves me correctly the final number of alien aliens was much higher who claimed amnesty under this amnesty law.

We've seen and are currently experiencing the effects of the 1986 amnesty agreement. Millions of illegal aliens continue to flood across the border and each expecting to be granted amnesty for their illegal actions.

That bring us more questions that don't have answers. Maybe you can provide such an answer.

We have two leading Whitehouse contenders. Obama and McCain, Both favor amnesty or what they like to call guest worker programs ( I call guest worker programs - de facto Amnesty ).

The major media turns a blind eye to the daily invasion of the United States while reporting the non stop the invasion of other counties 8000 miles away.

Something is very wrong with this reporting of immigration issues.

With all the hoopla of the presidential election both McCain have successfully avoided talking about illegal immigration with the help of the major media. Don't ask don't tell.


Do they really want the American public to know the true numbers of illegal immigration?

Does the major media also not want the public to know that both major candidates favor and intend to grant amnesty and at the same time leave the borders wide open for more illegal immigration?

Obama has called American immigration enforcement officers terrorists. With that frame of mind is he really qualified to be President of the United States? Obama: Police Officers are Terrorists

Mr Obama: does Illegal Immigration have any meaning to you sir? What is your position sir?

McCain is the co author of the 2006 shamnesty bill that failed in congress. He tried it once and fought vigorously to get the de facto Amnesty bill passed. Will he try it again or simply grant amnesty as president if elected?

Do you expect either of these candidates to enforce the immigration laws of the United States of America?

The illegal immigration crisis is impacting all aspects of society and is unprecedented in American history and is in fact being under reported and often ignored completely by major news media and ignored by major presidential candidates. I pause to wonder do they think that if they continue to ignore an major problem that it will simply just go away on it's own.

How can Amnesty be granted "again" to an unknown number of illegal aliens if the 12 million number is incorrect as I have suggested?

Is granting amnesty for lawbreakers protecting the America's homeland?

I think not - What do you think?

And finally, how about some truth when reporting the numbers of illegal aliens currently in our country when talking about "CHANGE". How that would be a real change indeed.
http://www.borderfirereport.net/guest-a ... hange.html