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Willcox Border Patrol halves arrests in FY 05-06

By Ainslee S. Wittig/Arizona Range News
While the Willcox Station of the U.S. Border Patrol has apprehended about half as many illegal immigrants this fiscal year compared to the last, Patrol Agent in Charge Scott VanTine said he doe not believe there are fewer people crossing the border illegally.

"We've just seen reduced traffic in our sector. With the buildup of Douglas and Naco Stations, there are fewer immigrants traveling through our area. They've seen increases in the El Paso and Yuma sectors," VanTine said Thursday.

VanTine also said the monsoon season during the last two quarters may have played a part in reduced border crossers recently, as has the National Guard presence. National Guard troops have augmented the Douglas and Naco stations for the last two months.

"But overall," he said, "I think there are as many (illegal immigrants) still crossing the border."

VanTine has been Patrol Agent in Charge for the Willcox Border Patrol station since Aug. 20, following Jeff Calhoon, who was assigned o the Yuma Sector.

In Fiscal Year 2006 (Oct. 1, 2005-Sept. 30, 2006), 8,186 illegal immigrants were apprehended by Willcox agents. In FY 2005, 17,198 immigrants were apprehended.

Following suit, there were half as many immigrants who were "other than Mexicans." VanTine said the overwhelming majority were from Central or South America.

Prosecutions were also about half the number as the year before, with 688 in 2006 and 1,307 in 2005. Immigrants were prosecuted for illegal entry (240), illegal entry with expedited removal (414), re-entry of a removed immigrant (22), narcotics possession (17), smuggling (five).

Four-hundred and seventy-seven vehicles were seized in FY 2006; 1,037 in FY 2005.

Narcotics seized by Willcox agents this year included 6,666 pounds of marijuana (11,232 pounds last year); one gram of cocaine (10 grams last year) and 8.2 grams methamphetamines (103 grams last year).

VanTine said that recent apprehension numbers have climbed slightly, "but not like last year."

"This fiscal year will probably be in line with lat year (FY 2006)," he said. "We'll have limited manpower growth. But, it's hard to predict."