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Senator Charles Schumer lays out immigration strategy
Published Friday, December 18, 2009, 8:30 AM

New York Senator Charles Schumer has indicated that significant progress has been made in seeking to achieve comprehensive immigration reform early next year.

Schumer gave a lengthy interview to El Diario this week in which he made some very telling points about his strategy, as immigration reform becomes an issue on the agenda for the early months of 2010.

Clearly he is trying to achieve a fait accompli before the bill ever gets to the House or Senate floor. He is working closely with Senator Lindsey Graham to try and achieve that. (The following quotes are a Google translation form the original Spanish version that appeared in El Diario).

"The only way I can make this happen, is that when we announce the law, we are all together, immigrants, employers, trade unions, religious groups, evangelical, Democrats and Republicans, “Schumer said stating that negotiations between these groups have made considerable progress.
Schumer said that we must find a way to stop illegal immigration with an emphasis on the employer. Clearly this is his olive branch to the Republicans.

"The only way to stop illegal immigration is that employers do not hire them. We do not know the exact form this will take, but all citizens and non-citizens … should use a Social Security card with photo and biometric (fingerprint). Everyone will have to use the card when applying for a job and that will pass through a machine,â€