Would McCain close the U.S.-Mexico border?
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 9/8/2008 11:05:00 AM

The ranking Republican on the House Immigration Subcommittee is convinced that John McCain has heard the will of the American people and will be committed to securing the border if elected president.

Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) says there is a clear choice for voters in November when it comes to the illegal immigration issue. He notes that Senator McCain (R-Arizona) has adopted a secure-the-border-first approach, which is a step up from where any of the Democrats have been. On the other hand, King asserts Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) and the Democrats remain committed to open borders.

"It's not even close on who's stronger on immigration enforcement, border security, enforcing our laws, shutting off the jobs magnet, and ending the automatic citizenship called 'anchor babies.' We're the only the people that even talk about it," King contends. "The Democrats don't. They understand they get a tremendous political gain if they can just open the borders and flood them with people."

McCain has "gotten it," according to King, when it comes to border security.

"McCain's getting better. He has said, 'I heard the American people. I understand the message. We have to secure the border.' So I believe him on that," King says. "I've had those conversations behind closed doors with him, and I don't think John McCain is going to do anything except follow through on the word that he's given."

King believes increased workplace enforcement has already paid dividends as 1.3 million illegal aliens have self-deported to their home countries. He thinks McCain will continue a tough immigration policy.