following is something I found on Craigslist this eve. I totally do not agree with her dim thinking and it is obvious she has no idea how many illegals are criminals or that there are jobs in mexico.
what is interesting is she has valuable information:
she says a business owner is paying coyotes 7 k to bring illegals in to work as indentured servants.
I think the FBI should track her down right now.
of course they won't.

What is your problem? Why do some people bash mexicans/illegals? Would you come here if you were in there shoes? I would. It is not Mexicans individually who have caused the illegal immigrant problem. It is the USA for encouraging and assisting them to come here illegally that you people should be bashing. My husband’s boss is a small business owner in Yamhill county and talks openly about paying 7k to a coyote To transport each worker to this area from Mexico. They are then obligated like indentured servants to pay the fee back and paid under ten bucks an hour to bust ass. In the mean time teenagers in this country do not work because the Mexicans have taken the jobs they used to do. Blame greedy corporate USA and not the individuals who do not know a lot about all of the top end stuff bringing them in but come to escape poverty, etc. I think we should assist our own to escape poverty but corporate does not and it’s up there where the blame should be. Back off of the individuals

· Location: pdx