
Afghanistan a mineral
treasure trove

What a surprise - not!

No one over the mental age of two years old can possibly believe that this mineral data is new.

So what's they story?

Webster Tarpley has nailed it.

"Keep fighting in Afghanistan and you can get a slice of the pie."

Anything to keep the war going.

Is there any question we are ruled by psychopaths?

You'd think the cataclysm in the Gulf of Mexico
might sober up the white collar criminals who
run the US into maybe starting to do the right

No, instead they're using the catastrophe as cover
to slip in all manner of new fraud and deceit.

Because of this we are at work at a separate
site that covers the BP/US government created
disaster in the Gulf.

Meanwhile, here's their latest scheme to perpetuate
the disaster they're hard at work creating in Afghanistan.



- Brasscheck

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