Pa. Activist Judge and ACLU strikes down law in Hazleton, Pa. Hazelton is a town in Luzerne County Pa. After Mayor Bloomberg of NYC and then Senator Hillary Clinton, started a massive campaign to allow illegal aliens the right to vote (but they didn’t succeed) and driving privileges, the state of New York was the only North East State to lose its native white and black population along with Puerto Ricans. Complete areas of The Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn became over run with illegal aliens and even gangs, who were based in Ca. and Tx. migrated to the state due to the left wing politics of the politicians. Many Americans pushed into New Jersey and Pa. State to escape a city under siege. This led to Hazelton, Pa. passing the first law, in the U.S., which stopped land lords from renting to undocumented immigrants and immigrant gangs.
Now this law has been struck down!