Quote Originally Posted by WorriedAmerican
Quote Originally Posted by azwreath
Bravo Mr. McCotter!!!!

Honestly, I've been, for once, very impressed with how many Republicans and, even Democrats alike, have been speaking out against this bailout and what has placed us in the situation we find ourselves in......and actually taking part in sharing the responsibility in shouldering blame.

There has really been a very long overdue acknowledgement of the corruption, greed, out of control government as well as acknowledgement of more not having been done to stop it.

Just as striking to me is how the majority of Democrats are still willing to point their fingers at the other party, and keep running the Chicken Little play when all they are worried about is the ability to continue scamming the American people, hanging onto their money, and are worried....extremely so I think at this point....about the very real prospect of ending up in prison.
Well, NOW the 4 stooges are claiming they came up with everything!
Pelosi, Reid, Barney Frank, and Dodd. They totally just kept lying and claiming all the victory?

You forget the Head Stooge........Obama.

He's trying to make himself look like HE"S the one who came up with all of it and is just letting the others handle it.