Below is a new boycott circulating. If you did not see the Monday Night game (Oct 16th) then you missed an attempt at “slipping one in” or a “get use to it” kind of thing. It had Spanish actors with a kid running with a football and a commentator talking. (I couldn’t really tell what it was about “I don’t speak Spanish”). Besides; “this is football not soccer”. Anyway, I found this and I am passing it around. Please do the same. Post it as many places that you know.

Many others and I took exception to the Spanish-speaking Commercial with English Sub-titles during the first half of the Monday Night Game of October 16th 2006 (Bears Cardinals).

We will never watch ESPN and ABC again. Unless we get an apology and promise that it will never happen again. We will also be spreading the word in hopes of gaining support for a boycott of ESPN and ABC. (ABC owner of ESPN)

And to reach us with your apology and promise, this apology is going to have to make with National News or the media outside ESPN and ABC, for the boycott has started.

I’d advise you to move fast for in this climate of immigration, issues, this stunt of yours has angered many, many people. Almost more and faster then the Boycott on Citgo. Even more now that the day after that game the US population tops 300 million.