More Quantitative Easing?

Jim Grant vs. bank-funded academic BS

Interest on your savings?

What has quantitative accomplished?

1. It's given banks and hedge funds near limitless money at below market rates

2. It's artificially raised the stock market

3. It's artificially raised commodity prices

4. It's done nothing for business expansion or job creation

5. It has punished savers and Main Street businesses

Other than that, it's been great.

And this tool from Berkeley wants more of it.

Has quantitative easing hurt or helped the

It's an important question because a lot
of bankers - and their friends in academia
- are calling for more of it.

Jim Grant of Grant's Interest Rate Observer
debates the issue with a professor who is
certain that "the more easing the better."

Maybe for a few banks and hedge funds, but
for people who work, run businesses and retirees
living off savings, it's been a shafting.

Video: ... sing-.html

Manipulation for them and against us....
