The ignorance upon these kids will make you want to scream! Our future is in the hands of people like this....God help us.

By Digger

A new video out that spotlights Ted Hayes juxtaposed with comments on illegal immigration from young black Americans on the street shows a serious lack of thought from the youth. The video opens approaching some boisterous young blacks calling for electing Barack Obama. As it goes on the youths are questioned on the impact of illegal aliens on their community.

As can be seen they are sorely uninformed and seem to have not taken the time to look at the big picture. The majority seem to believe that it is all about race and those opposed to illegal immigration are against Mexicans and Hispanics.

Ted's portion of the video is very thoughtful. You can tell that he knows his stuff and has really become well educated on the issue. It really is a total contrast and absolutely shows you what actual reading and informing yourself on an issue - rather than going on emotion or race loyalty alone - will get you.

Watch it for yourself below. (Oh by the way I hate that one girl who keeps cutting everyone off and yelling... annoying and self-centered not letting anyone else speak. Because, of course, according to her, she's the only one that is right.)

Story continues w/video