At one time Detroit was one of the most prosperous cities in the world. Even in the era the Detroit auto industry spent more than any other industry on Information Technology related services. After the bust American citizens became locked out of the IT industry by foreign H1-B and offshore job shops. Thousands of computer workers in Detroit lost their jobs, not to mention the tens of thousands of blue collar auto workers who got thrown out of work. Later, during the construction boom, the importation of illegal aliens led again to thousands of Americans losing their jobs and even more as the construction boom turned to bust. One owner of a drywall construction firm has told me that up to 90% of Americans in the drywall trade have lost their jobs because of illegal Mexican labor.

Now look at the video below. I live in Detroit and can tell you that what you are about to see has spread all over the city; some parts look better, some parts look worse. Can we expect what you see in this video to spread all over the US as we continue to throw hundreds of thousands of American citizens out of work to be replaced by slave wage "guest workers"?