See the results below of the very recent Rasmussen poll where the majority of Americans feel that Security is more important than Privacy. Do you see what is happening here? By allowing the invasion of our country by 20 - 38 million invaders with literally millions of them serious criminals, the government is promoting crime, social upheaval and disinfranchisement to get people to scream for protection (security) so the government can take away privacy and personal liberties. It's what the elites want. They have more money than they know what to do with, so now they want unlimited power. If they can rule the U.S., they can rule the world. Globaliam and One World government is their objective as soon as personal liberties are removed. If you haven't seen Alex Jones' documentary, EndGame, I recommend you do.

51% Say Security More Important than Privacy
Friday, January 18, 2008

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans say that Security is more important than privacy. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 29% disagree and say privacy is more important. Twenty percent (20%) are not sure.

The survey also found public support for strict rules regarding identification needed to obtain drivers’ licenses. Sixty-nine percent (69%) say it is a good idea for the federal government to establish such rules, while only 17% disagree.

Over fifteen states have made headlines recently by speaking out against the REAL Identification Act of 2005, which would bar anyone not possessing the proper licenses from boarding airplanes or entering government buildings. In addition to concerns about privacy, many in the opposing states fear that states will not be able to create enough funding to comply with the technology required of new the licenses.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and supporters of the legislation feel there are too many types of identification that allow people into the country, and creating federal requirements on drivers’ licenses will limit the amount of illegal immigrants entering the United States.

The public is divided on whether or not the new legislation will cut down on illegal immigration. While 49% feel the Act is at least somewhat likely to reduce illegal immigration, 42% say it is not very or not at all likely.

Regarding the new drivers’ licenses required in the Act, a quarter of those surveyed (25%) see it as an invasion of privacy, while the majority (44%) disagrees. Thirty-one percent (31%) are not sure.

Nearly half of adults (45%) have followed news stories on the issue at least somewhat closely, while another half (50%) have not followed the stories closely or at all.