What concerns you most about Mexican trucking companies on U.S. roads?

The creeping loss of U.S. sovereignty 29.93% (707)

The arrogance of the Bush administration in trying to sneak this through 24.39% (576)

It makes it easier for terrorists and their weapons of mass destruction to enter the country 20.66% (48

Mexican crime gangs gaining influence over Mexican truckers in order to smuggle more drugs and illegals 10.88% (257)

Unsafe drivers and equipment and inadequate liability coverage 10.54% (249)

The competition from cheaper labor will hurt U.S. truckers 1.14% (27)

I'm not concerned at all – any inconveniences will be temporary and everyone will benefit from free trade 0.85% (20)

The thinly veiled racism of those criticizing the opening of U.S. highways to Mexicans 0.64% (15)

Other 0.59% (14)

Nothing – the border should disappear 0.38% (9)
