“Happy Holidays with Obamacare” #6: No Obamacare Benefits

December 16, 2013

“Happy Holidays from Obamacare” #6:The White House Can’t Even Find Three Weeks’ Worth of Obamacare Benefits

Today, Americans for Prosperity concluded its “Three Weeks of Obamacare’s Problems” campaign by drawing attention to the fact that the White House hasn’t been able to finish its own three-week pro-Obamacare tour.

After starting their campaign on December 4, the administration’s efforts on behalf of the President’s signature law have slowed to a trickle well before the campaign’s expected conclusion on December 23. During that time, Americans for Prosperity has also responded to the “benefits” touted by the White House by pointing out how they actually harm the American people.

A summary of our responses is included below.

Happy Holidays with Obamacare #5: Medicaid

Happy Holidays with Obamacare #4: Pay More, Get Less

Happy Holidays with Obamacare #3: The Uninsured

Happy Holidays with Obamacare #2: Health Care Costs

Happy Holidays with Obamacare #1: Limits Choice

“It’s telling that the President has quietly let his own three-week pro-Obamacare tour die,” said Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity. “Obamacare simply can’t stand up under the scrutiny of the American people.

We’ve seen the President’s broken promises and witnessed ourselves how the law harms the people it was supposed to help.”

Phillips concluded: “It’s time for the President to stop putting politics over people—and that means repealing Obamacare before it can do even more damage.”
