This was on tonight on Glen Beck's Show .He mentioned how this country trained and armed the Zetas ,which is now behind a lot of this violence.

El Paso Hospital Treating Mexican Gunshot Victims
July 14, 2008
BECK: Well, immigration advocates love to hide behind the little poem on the Statue of Liberty base: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Where does it say, "Give me your Mexican gunshot victims?"

That`s what`s happening in Thomason Hospital in El Paso, Texas. That`s what they`re dealing with. You`re not going to believe this. They`re now under maximum security this weekend as another wounded Mexican police officer came to the U.S. for treatment.

The hospital`s president says, "We haven`t accepted these patients, but we have to treat them under our federal law." From now on, this American hospital now has to use the homeland security scale to assess the threat level as a hospital, because the drug cartels are coming over the border to kill doctors who will treat Mexican police officers.

Mike Cutler is a former INS special agent and senior fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.

Mike, this is -- this is craziness that nobody`s talking about this.

MIKE CUTLER, SENIOR FELLOW, CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES: Yes, so much craziness. By the way, Glenn, as always, thank you so much for having me on.

BECK: You bet.

CUTLER: You know, the bottom line is that the folks coming across the border aren`t only coming to wash dishes and mow lawns. We have no idea who`s coming across the country. And in this case, we`ve got wounded police officers. But by the way, those cops are still in danger, which is why they`re had to tighten up security at the hospital, because the killers that shot them still want to kill them.

BECK: Right. And that`s why they`re not going over to Mexico.

CUTLER: Right.

BECK: Because Mexican has their hospital shot up if you treat Mexican police officers.

CUTLER: That`s exactly right. And understand why this is happening. Drug cartels have become so powerful, because they have so much of our money because we`re not stopping the flood of narcotics coming across our border. And then we train their people.

Look at the Zetas. This is a bunch of Mexican cops and soldiers. We taught them. We armed them. He instructed them, and then they went over to the bad side. And they`re the ones that are behind so much of this violence. And I fear that what`s happening in one town right now along the Mexican border may soon happen across the whole border and then will head into the interior of the United States.

BECK: Yes, I mean, it`s not -- on tomorrow`s program, I hope to bring you a story about how we`ve given $1.6 million to the Mexican government to fight this, but we won`t give $100,000 to our own sheriffs in the border towns to up their -- to up their weapons.

CUTLER: We also, by the way, not even telling the American people live in the ice age, as well. They declared that the national security information. I mean, it`s an outrage. They`re hiding behind this smoke and mirror game.

BECK: OK. Let me give you something. This comes from the -- this comes from the head of Mexico`s intelligence service.


BECK: He says, quote, "Drug traffickers have become the principle threat, because they are trying to take over the power of the state. What he`s talking about here is that Mexico is on the verge of collapse, that the government is on the verge of collapse. Let me ask you this.


BECK: How did that statement happen last week to our -- about our neighbor, and nobody in the media`s following this story?

CUTLER: Look, they`re not following lots of stories -- they`re not following the fact that the guy that killed one of our border patrol agents by intentionally running him down was released because our country apparently never made the proper request for extradition.

Our country is so determined, so hell-bent, it would appear, on not interfering with the flow of illegal aliens and, consequently, with the flow of narcotics across the border, that the American money going into Mexico has enriched the coffers of these drug cartels that want to destabilize the Mexican government and destroy it.

We`re talking about building democracies in the Middle East. How about worrying about the democracy right on our southern border?

BECK: Mike, thanks a lot.

I have to tell you, I`m wondering how long we`re going to be able to bring you these kinds of stories, quite honestly, in America.