Don't miss the rest of Glenn Beck's shows this week. He says these shows will be the most important shows he has ever aired.

Glenn had better wear a bullet proof vest when Goerge Soros finds out what Glenn is going to be outing.

I do not agree with Glenn's religion, because he has a different Jesus than I do. And I did not like him mixing up gods this summer at the...what was supposed to be just a patriotic rally......but I do appreciate how he sheds the light on so many hidden mind boggling issues.

edit.... Glenn Beck Promo The Puppet Master George Soros ... r_embedded

Glenn Beck – George Soros The Puppet Master? Part 1
By Andrew Zarowny

On Tuesday, November 9, 2010, the gloves and masks come off on Fox News Channel at 5pm EST. Glenn Beck exposes George Soros as The Puppet Master, or so he says! Beck will begin his three-part thriller tomorrow, and my guess is he’ll go four or more. So is George Soros the man behind the curtain pulling the strings?

Needless to say, Soros-funded media are already busy attacking Beck and Fox. Media Matters is trashing Glenn Beck daily, though that’s not really new, is it? The Tides Foundation has even sent Fox advertisers a rather nasty letter claiming that if another domestic terror act occurs similar to the Oklahoma City bombing, Beck and Fox would be responsible for fanning the flames of discontent.

But Beck is undaunted. He has every intention of going through the Soros story with plenty of the man’s own words and other sources to back Glenn up. It’s not hard to do. George Soros is in the wide open, always acting very publicly with plenty of speeches, interviews and op-ed pieces. A large portion of his life and operations is an open book. But some of his dealings fall well within the shadows.

Glenn Beck puts it this way, as we draw nearer to the time of the Big Event, which will topple America and the world into chaos, thus giving birth to global government, the masks will come off. Just look at what MSNBC host Laurence O’Donnell said last week during the election coverage. “I’m not a Progressive. I’m not a Liberal. — I’m a Socialist!â€