Part 1 of 24 predictions for 2012-2015

25 predictions for 2012 - 2015 (plus five things that won't happen)

Wednesday, January 04, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

NaturalNews) I've been posting predictions each year for the last three years, usually with a 3-year window. In 2010, I posted a list of 36 predictions for 2010 - 2012, many of which have already come true, including:

• U.S. debt to be downgraded (this happened in 2011, much to everyone's surprise). (

• Increasingly radicalized weather patterns: 2011 was a year of very radical weather (

• War on health freedom ramps up, targeting raw milk (the FDA targeted Rawesome Foods in 2011, making it the biggest raw milk raid in history) (

• New attempts made to destroy internet freedoms (SOPA act introduced in 2011, a total internet censorship law). (

These predictions were made nearly two years ago. Of course, many predictions on that list did not come true, and some may yet come true in 2012 (

In 2011, I wrote another round of predictions about 2011 - 2012 ( These include:

• New attacks on internet freedom (SOPA act happened in 2011)

• Rapid rises in food prices (now widely reported as happening throughout 2011)

• Acceleration of the economic downfall of America, along with possible debt downgrades (already happened).

• Within a generation, many of the people raised on GMOs and vaccines will discover they are giving birth to mutants or not able to have children at all. (Infertility is already on the rise, and more evidence of this will emerge in the years ahead...)

25 new predictions for 2012 - 2015
Carrying on with this new year tradition, here's a new round of predictions for 2012 and beyond. Before you read these, keep in mind that while these are primarily "negative" predictions, there will always be a positive backlash in terms of the awakening of the People who need to be shaken back to reality in order to do three things:
1) Realize what's coming.
2) Take precautions to get through it.
3) Play a constructive role in the rebuilding of society and the advancement of human civilization.

Despite what you read here, I am an optimist for 2012 and beyond. In fact, I recently wrote about 2012 being the "Year of Consciousness" in which all the economic collapse events, the wars, the loss of freedoms and other similar events will only accelerate the awakening that's necessary for global change to occur. (

So as you read these predictions, keep in mind that for every negative action, there is an equal and opposite positive backlash (reaction) that must follow. In the end, those who honor freedom, liberty, the protection of life and the sacredness of the divine will be victorious against the dark servants of destruction, deception and greed.

#1 - The European Union breaks apart - the financial strain will not be bearable, and even though both the ECB and the Federal Reserve will try to bail out the debt of major banks, they will be unable to cover the tens of trillions in bad debt, and several global banks will fail, followed by the partial or complete breakup of the EU itself. Germany, tired of carrying the debt of nations like Greece, will lead the way back to national sovereignty and away from the EU.

#2 - Israel attacks Iran, then blames Iran - This event will almost certainly be justified based on fabricated intel or false flag events that drag the USA and much of the western world into this conflict. Expect this to happen as early as October, 2012, just in time to prop up Obama for the U.S. Presidential election. Expect tactical, low-yield nuclear weapons to be used in this war.

#3 - Oil prices briefly surpass $200 a barrel - Due to the war on Iran, oil prices will briefly spike above $200 / barrel, sending shockwaves across the U.S. economy and causing food prices to rapidly rise.

#4 - Social unrest spreads across America - expect a record increase in mall riots, street fights, city protests and general thuggishness across America as the out-of-work masses become increasingly perturbed.

#5 - A new crime wave sweeps across western nations as unemployed, desperate men turn to stealing and looting to put food on the table. Expect to see record thefts of metals such as copper, and watch as the attacks increasingly target previously unthinkable targets such as churches, hospitals and nursing homes.

#6 - Gun sales beat all previous records - Sales of firearms were already sky-high in 2011, thanks to Obama's clever attacks on the Second Amendment (Operation Fast & Furious, pulled off by Eric Holder). In one day alone, Black Friday, a whopping 129,000 firearms were sold across America. Daily gun sales will continue to escalate all through 2012, and I predict that we will see a whopping 20 million guns sold across America in calendar 2012. Most of these sales will be to "preppers" -- people who realize something's coming down and want to protect themselves and their families against the inevitable rise of armed looters. Remember, these are gun sales to legal owners who are going through proper background checks and legally acquiring firearms for self defense.

#7 - Gold prices break through $2500 / ounce - At first, gold prices will likely fall in 2012. This will happen as the EU financial system implodes, causing a rush into dollars and a corresponding fall in gold prices. But this will be short-lived, and gold will then trend all the way to $2500 / ounce (or beyond). Once the U.S. dollar starts getting hammered in a global debt breakdown (which might still take several years to occur), expect gold to head into the stratosphere, possibly $5,000 / ounce or more.

#8 - Real unemployment exceeds Great Depression era levels - Expect real unemployment in America to hit 25% or even higher. It's already at 22% if you count unemployment the old-fashioned way (i.e. what percentage of adults are out of work) instead of playing statistical smoke and mirrors like the paperwork weasels in Washington. I think we'll actually see unemployment hitting 30% or higher following the global debt collapse (which may still take several years more to fully unravel).

#9 - The collapse of food pollinators continues - The collapse of both honeybee and bat populations will continue to decline as the world is poisoned with cell phone towers, chemical pesticides and GMOs. This, in turn, will decrease food production capacity and cause food prices to rise even further. Scientists will continue to study the issue, but political pressure from chemical pesticide manufacturers will suppress the real science and try to deflect blame away from pesticides.

#10 - Major bank failures rock the world - Expect to see a major bank such as Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, or Wells Fargo to go belly-up as its debt burden becomes unbearable. The Fed, of course, will try to bail out these banks with new money creation, but some of these banks have tens of trillions of dollars in debt. That's too large for the Fed to just print up.

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