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    By: Devvy Kidd
    September 11, 2006
    © 2006 -

    It's hard to believe it's been five years since I was awakened by a phone call (still in California) by a dear friend in San Antonio who told me to turn on the television. For fifteen straight hours in between food breaks, I sat and watched the horror of September 11, 2001, unfold. Every channel including cable (except premium), was giving non stop coverage; all other programming was preempted and no commercials. Millions of words have been written about that day; my columns on 9/11 are archived here.
    Once I finally got my head of denial regarding 9/11 and like millions of other Americans, I began the painful pursuit of what really happened. My columns on 9/11 contain many links that require dozens, if not hundreds of hours of pouring over everything that is available in the public domain and watching videos. Some ridiculous, others contain reasonable questions that have no official answers, but do provide the viewer with, I believe, a difficult conclusion: rogue elements within our government knew and/or were participants. My columns contain what I feel are credible, well researched sites on this issue after spending hundreds of hours reading through them. Most Americans work for a living and do not have the time to do all this research like I do, so I have attempted to make it as easy as possible for people to begin the research and stay away from the silly stuff.
    As I have said for the past couple of years, 9/11 is the Achilles Heel of the global masters who intend to dominate the world. Because what's known as the 9/11 Truth Movement continues to grow at a rapid rate, Bush, Rummy and radio and cable talk show hosts as well as the controlled print media, have become more and more shrill in their attacks on average, ordinary people like me who are asking reasonable questions. This is a significant sign, at least to me, that the unseen hand which owns the White House, Congress and the dominant media are very concerned that the fairy tale told by the aforementioned is becoming no longer believable to millions.
    The admissions by Bush that he is no longer interested in Bin Laden and that Iraq had zip to do with 9/11, hasn't set well with tens of millions of Americans who feel they have been lied to - and they have. This is especially true for military families and active duty soldiers. There is no exit strategy for the unconstitutional invasion of Iraq because Bush's military is busy building some 12 permanent bases in Iraq, expanding the Empire. Heap on top of that, the issue of DU (depleted uranium) being used over in Afghanistan and Iraq, which we know has exposed tens of thousands of our own to the deadly affects of DU (see this important column) and what you have is a very angry people growing angrier by the day.
    Millions of Americans are demanding a real investigation and public hearings which do NOT deliberately omit the testimony of individuals like Sibel Edmonds who has a DOJ gag order to prevent her from telling what she knows. Now, how do you go about telling the American people that a full investigation has taken place if key individuals have been forbidden to testify or talk? As one panel member said at the Alex Jones summit in LA this past summer: if the government has nothing to hide, then why are they going to such lengths to hide everything? Refusal by the corrupt U.S. Department of Justice to release all the videos of the Pentagon that day (VDOT, the Sheraton and Pentagon gas station) sends up a huge red flag. What are they hiding? It must be something important because DOJ has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep these videos from ever being released to anyone - including family members who have requested copies. The old "national security" excuse has worn itself out and we the people are no longer willing to sit back and swallow lies for the sake of cosmetic patriotism or because the truth is too uncomfortable.
    I submit to you that there are two important individuals who must be put under oath and questioned. The first is Eric Haney who has stated that Bin Laden was killed in the massive bombing of Tora Bora, Afghanistan on December 15, 2001. I sent e-mail to Haney. He responded in the affirmative that Bin Laden was killed that day. Who is Haney? You can visit his web site: CSM Eric L. Haney, USA (Ret). "For more than twenty years, Command Sergeant Major (retired) Eric L. Haney served in the United States Army's most demanding combat units: As a Combat Infantryman, as a Ranger, and ultimately, as a founding member and eight-year veteran of the Army's super secret counter-terrorist arm, Delta Force." I would venture to guess that Haney has excellent contacts in the military.
    I'm not the only one who believes Bin Laden is worth more politically alive than dead, but the American people have the right to know the truth. If he is dead, it comes as no surprise that Mr. Bush considers Bin Laden irrelevant because he knows there's no chance of capture. Just keep producing boogie man videos every few months of Bin Laden and a loose knit, scattered bunch of thugs called Al-Qaida to keep the American people scared and willing to foolishly give up their God given rights.
    The second individual is Maj. Rick Gibney who allegedly is the pilot who shot down Flight 93; see here. The American people, the families of those who died on 9/11 - we the people deserve the truth and Major Gibney should be questioned under oath. There is another option here and that is to file a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain all the flight records on 9/11 for all aircraft stationed at Hector Field, Fargo, North Dakota. This FOIA would have to be filed by an organization with the money to fight it to the highest court because I can tell you from experience, when the government wants to stonewall you and it's their number one priority on FOIAs, they will bury you in legal expenses. If the FOIA provides the documents which clearly show Maj. Gibney and other jets taking off that day and their destination, the next question becomes: did you receive orders to shoot down Flight 93, from whom and did you? This is the way you get to the truth and stop the endless speculation - if you have nothing to hide, that is.
    9/11 was a multi-faceted operation. In several columns I did this past January and February (see below), I recapped the possible connection between Enron, the FED, Schwarzenegger, Oregon's water, dead microbiologists and 9/11.
    Enron - The Smokin' Cannon of 9/11?
    Related: Arnold's Enron Secret
    Enron, Cheney, 9/11, Live Hijackers & Dead Microbiologists
    Enron, 9/11, Lay, Schwarzenegger & Oregon's Water
    Besides Dick Cheney, was one of the major players in 9/11 Thomas E. White, who was Secretary of the Army at the time of 9/11? Prior to that lofty position, White was Vice Chairman of Enron Energy Services. It is inconceivable to anyone who has researched White that he was not indicted right along with Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling. Was White protected from the highest levels - meaning Dick Cheney - and handsomely rewarded for his role in 9/11? I have been diligently trying to keep my columns less than a giant tome, but for one to get a good grasp of the previous statement, I hope you'll bear with me on the length of this one. My friend referred to in Part I of Enron - The Smokin' Cannon of 9/11? has sent me a collection of e-mails requesting I expose more of how White and others have profited from 9/11:
    "August 7, 2006: Devvy: To find the article on Thomas White's new bonus in Wyoming, go to Google newsstand type in - DKRW ...This is White's new company, all partners are former Enron hierarchy. Then an article will appear titled, 'Enron Money Laundry'. 9/11, Anthrax, Cheney, Enron, etc., all the pieces fit.
    "8.16.06:. Devvy: Let me remind you of some important facts: When the Lt. Governor in April, 2001, filed suit in State court against Enron, White, who headed the most corrupt component of Enron, after 11 years, suddenly resigns his lucrative position, to become Army Secretary. One should also examine, Robert A. Belfer's liquidation of his vast Enron shares during 2001, and his timing; About two weeks after 9/11, the first Anthrax mailings were sent (from the New Jersey vicinity of "Urban Moving", which turned out to be a Mossad front, if you remember the 'Dancing Israel's' and two of which were formal Mossad agents);
    "The Anthrax was an unique strain - the Ames variety - which was an exclusive, weaponized version of the ARMY's, patented variety from Utah. After the mailings White was appointed by the Pentagon to be Homeland Security director. Shortly after the mailings, Judith Miller, published the scary book: "Germ." She produced this book, about 10 days after the mailings, which was very much researched. It was impossible to do this research, much less have it published in this short period of time, unless it was planned, for what I believe was the attempt to establish Martial Law (the DOJ could not prosecute anyone for Enron, in the extreme, with a tank sitting in front of it). White, although he headed the most corrupt component of Enron, was NOT prosecuted, NOR even called as a witness.
    "Judith Miller, as she misled the American People with Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, I believe was used to as a pawn to indoctrinate us to even welcome Martial Law, to protect against Anthrax. I sent faxes off to Miller, the Pentagon, and Ted Koppel (ABC), on how to easily negate Anthrax by a cheaply priced ozone producing machine, which are used in water purification and swimming pools. Thereafter, almost immediately, the Anthrax attacks stopped, and publicity died down. Incredibly too, despite this was biological warfare, the investigation into it was called off ONLY a month after, November, 2001.
    "The faxes was sent to Miller on a weekend - on the following Tuesday, when his silence, and to spin part of the profits to others who have knowledge and are being given notice that they were coming to their offices, Arthur Anderson, comes in Enron's offices to begin the unlawful shredding of documents. Four former executives of Enron, including Thomas White, are owners of a company named DKRW, which functionally is a clone of Enron, who is seeking government approval of guarantees of funding in Wyoming, Cheney's home state. I believe it is in part to buy silence."
    "The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper." --Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785. (*) ME 5:181, Papers 8:632
    Anyone who doesn't live in a vacuum or la-la land fully understands there is no "free press" in these united States of America - except the Internet. The government's media apparatus ("mainstream media") is nothing more than an extension of those who wish to destroy this Republic. In effect, they are co-conspirators in treason. A long time ago, Joseph Pulitzer, American newspaper publisher (1847-1911) said:
    "An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalisms of future generations."
    How prophetic. I have never thought any major media anchor or news people were any better than anyone else nor do I take everything they say at face value. I haven't watched "mainstream media" news my entire life. Every once in a while I might catch a minute or two of ABC, CBS and NBCs major anchors, but since it appeared they always carried the same stories at about the same time sandwiched in between inane garbage they call commercials, this type of programming has never appealed to me. I have never thought Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Connie Chung or any of these high power names were the "most trusted names in news." Nor, do I watch their replacements who are just different faces in the same suits who spew the same propaganda while never touching on the bigger picture. Quite frankly, I have always found them phony. Once I learned the truth about the world as it really is beginning back in 1991, I found these high paid mouthpieces detestable because I knew that they were only there in your living room to brain wash Americans with well planned propaganda.
    As technology progressed, along came the toady, Ted Turner with CNN on something called cable. It didn't take long for other networks to spring up, some worthy, most trash peddlers like HBO, another flesh operation which doesn't get my money. Eight years ago or so, a masterful stroke by the insiders produced FOX News, the "fair and balanced" network, bankrolled by Ruppert Murdock - a Bilderberger and major globalist who cares nothing about this Republic and is a supporter of a one world government. I know that many conservatives jumped on Hannity & Colmes like a drowning man would a life preserver in the middle of the ocean because FOX came along at the height of frustration for conservatives over Bill and Hill Clinton. FOX was a God-send to these folks.
    It's very important to keep the people neutralized. Very popular "conservative" talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity and others have kept millions of conservatives neutralized by not discussing the issues covered on Conservatives out there don't believe this because they need to have heroes and too many simply can't handle the truth, it's too painful. They have been betrayed over and over by political party leadership. They hated Bill Clinton and when Limbaugh and FOX came along, the people were ripe for the pickins.' However, once a person understands how the game is played, then one understands that if you play the game, the game plays you and FOX was just the ticket. What do I mean?
    Think about the timing of Drudge's skyrocket into stardom when someone slipped this obscure little Internet "gadfly" the block buster story of the infamous blue dress with Billy Clinton's semen stain. The rest is history as they say. Then it didn't take long for FOX News to take off, emerging as the "fair and balanced" and offering up the "first and only conservative voice on television." Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, but for the desperate, conservatives jumped on Hannity & Bill O'Reilly in a NY second. However, you will never see me, Bill Benson, Phyllis Spivey, Dr. Edwin Vieira, Dr. Michael Coffman, Jeri Lynn Ball or any other fine researchers or journalists out to expose the agenda of a one world order on any FOX, MSNBC or CNN program. This is an indisputable fact. Not because any of us would appear on television as knuckle dragging conspiracy wackos, but because what we have to say cannot be allowed to reach the masses of American people.
    And, speaking of Drudge, when is he going to start linking to worthy columns that inform and warn the American people about the bigger picture? It seems the past few years, most of what he links is to Hollywood buzz or partisan politics. You never see a link on Drudge to any columns on NWVs or any other web site that is exposing the global agenda by breaking it down into sizable pieces of documented information. Matt Drudge averages over 8,000,000 million hits a day; 3,451,064,133 hits so far this year. Drudge has tremendous power to reach so many. Too bad he doesn't use his web site more to expose the communist agenda because time grows short.
    Greta Van Susteren (FOX News), Nancy Grace (Court TV) and her own show on CNN Headline News, and Catherine Crier (Court TV and former Texas Judge) all tout that they want to help solve a murder you know about. They chant this mantra every evening during and at the end of their programs. I can tell you this is bull - unless the murder victim isn't Dr. Don C. Wiley and then they are interested. I have given up hounding all three of these TV divas to help me solve this murder by bringing me on their television program to discuss this cover up. I know it can be solved, but all three have ignored me.
    I obtained through another media source, the home phone number and address for Mark Furhman, who has done an admirable job in helping solve murders and bring killers to justice. Last month I sent Furhman a letter along with my CD which contains the complete Memphis Police Department botched investigation and asked him to please help me solve Dr. Wiley's murder. Two weeks later, I sent a follow up letter to his home asking him politely for the final time to please help me solve this murder. It was returned unopened. Furhman's new book on Terri Schiavo is about to hit the book stores, so I understand he's busy, but common courtesy would at least dictate he return my phone calls (two to his home) and let me know one way or the other that he must decline at this time. Instead, all I have received is dead silence. Dead silence just like this dead microbiologist who I know was murdered and that has huge implications regarding 9-11.
    So much for all these big paycheck media figures who want to solve a murder you know about. I have no place else to go in trying to get anyone in the "mainstream" media to help me solve Dr. Wiley's murder. This heinous act is most definitely connected to deaths of so many other microbiologists, it does have a connection with 9-11 and it's a travesty that not one of the media individuals I have hounded to help me solve this case are willing to find their back bone, step forward and get this murder out into the open. I find them all rather pitiful in that none of them appear to have the courage to pursue the truth on a very important series of murders. If you read the hundreds of pages on my CD and the MPD investigation on Dr. Wiley's death, you will know what I mean.
    Let's face it, today's electronic and print media aren't real news agencies. They are propaganda machines, pure and simple. Much is made about the bias of the New York Times. It may surprise some, but who the heck cares about the NY Times which prints all the news that's fit to fake? I don't and never have; neither does anyone I know and I know a lot of people. Do I care about what the LA Times, Sacramento Bee, USA Today or any other "mainstream" paper prints? Nope, don't buy them and I don't even read them when slipped under my hotel room door. I just put them in the trash where they belong.
    These big media people need to understand something: the average person out there like me - we don't care what your big Eastern newspapers or conglomerate propaganda rags print because we don't buy your papers. Even small towns like where my parents reside have a newspaper, but like the biggies, it is worthless. Mostly ads for local companies and their editorial page is pap filled with the usual blame game bilge pitting the Republicans against the Democrats. For those who really want to subscribe to a newspaper that hits hard with thoroughly documented facts, I highly recommend The Idaho Observer, a newspapers delivered right to your door. Of course, you won't be getting your local sports coverage or editorial pages filled with propaganda, but you will get the truth on a variety of critical issues.
    What to do about the media?
    In the mid-thirties, every major newspaper in this country was acquired by those working to destroy this Republic. This is a fact. It is critical to control the flow of information so the masses don't find out what's being done to them before it's too late. There is only one thing to do with the media, the same thing that must be done to banks who knowingly and openly do business with criminals (illegal aliens): stop feeding them your money. The Masters of the Game lust for power and power is acquired with money. Why on earth would you keep funding your enemy? Just to read the sports page or look at the latest porn ads (women all but naked except for wisps of material called underwear) over Kellog's? If you need to look at the 'want ads' go to the local library.
    I don't really like to advocate boycotting any legal business because it hurts the little guy who works for these conglomerates. I understand this completely. However, this Republic is in extreme danger of collapsing and desperate times require desperate measures. The people must learn to use the power of their purse to bring down the enemy.
    Put these newspapers out of business by stopping your subscription and don't advertise with them. After you stop your subscription, send the editor an e-mail (find your local newspaper using a google search then locate the editor's e-mail address or the publisher). Send an e-mail and tell them that you will no longer put money in their pocket until they begin using their editorial page to warn the American people about the real issues destroying this Republic. Tell them you don't care about bickering between the two "main" political parties, you care about the insidious agenda being carried out against the American people. Tell him/her the real issues can be found in the hundreds of factual and thoroughly documented columns on NWVs about sustainable development, CODEX and so many others. Be polite, but simply tell them why you have canceled your subscription.
    Call talk radio and let your talk show host know that you are withdrawing your support for their show until they start talking about the critical issues cited above and quit wasting time spending three hours on what new world order agent Newt Gingich is saying, who Angelina Jollie is sleeping with or blather from Marxist Hillary Clinton. We need the massive listening audiences out there in talk radio land to understand the bigger picture and that 'blame game politics' is just a distraction to keep the American people away from the truth. Let the talk show host (or their handler) know that since you won't listen to their show anymore, you also won't hear the ads. Make no mistake about it: advertising is what drives these businesses. The bigger their ratings, the more advertisers. The same applies for newspapers.
    The bottom line is this: the "mainstream media" is corrupt. Daily newspapers around the country with few exceptions are little more than propaganda machines. Stop feeding the government's media apparatus, electronic or print. I know this will cost jobs and it will also have a ripple effect for the local economy. But, to continue funding the enemy is insane. Talk to your friends and family and ask them to do the same. Advertisers will quickly catch on that there is a major boycott of ABC, NBC and CBS news, FOX, MSNBC, CNN and all newspapers who refuse to begin warning the American people about what's just over the horizon. Then let them hash it out or go under.
    The Internet has become the only tool constitutionalists have in getting factual, verifiable information and documentation to our fellow country men and women. Support those that bring forth the documented truth and help them grow by shutting out the propaganda machines. This is something everyone can do that will have a huge impact if everyone will participate. Actions speak louder than words. Put massive pressure on all media to either begin using their publications and networks for the good of America or they can kiss your money good bye. There's nothing that scares networks and news papers more than the threat of boycott because it dries up their local advertising which is their bread and butter.
    Don't be silent, let them know why you're taking your money elsewhere. Don't hit ABC, CBS, NBC or other "news" web sites that continue to feed the American people worthless information while using their web sites to promote "democracy" in America. Better you wear one of my new, beautiful, Made in America tee shirts that carry the message: 'We are not a democracy. America is a Constitutional Republic, learn the difference.' This tool (shirt) will make people wonder why James Madison said what he did about democracies and hopefully get our fellow countrymen and women onto the path of learning and out of their self imposed comas. I'm also hopeful that "liberals" will also see this shirt so they will finally begin to understand that America is not a democracy and stop their promotion of the big lie. We need to get everyone on the right sheet of music and off the liberal vs conservative treadmill.
    We are the wind and you can become part of a force that can't be ignored by politicians and the media. President Andy Jackson said one man with courage makes a majority. Believe it. Live it. Stay the course.
    © 2005 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved

    By: Devvy Kidd
    September 11, 2006
    © 2006 -
    It's hard to believe it's been five years since I was awakened by a phone call (still in California) by a dear friend in San Antonio who told me to turn on the television. For fifteen straight hours in between food breaks, I sat and watched the horror of September 11, 2001, unfold. Every channel including cable (except premium), was giving non stop coverage; all other programming was preempted and no commercials. Millions of words have been written about that day; my columns on 9/11 are archived here.
    Once I finally got my head of denial regarding 9/11 and like millions of other Americans, I began the painful pursuit of what really happened. My columns on 9/11 contain many links that require dozens, if not hundreds of hours of pouring over everything that is available in the public domain and watching videos. Some ridiculous, others contain reasonable questions that have no official answers, but do provide the viewer with, I believe, a difficult conclusion: rogue elements within our government knew and/or were participants. My columns contain what I feel are credible, well researched sites on this issue after spending hundreds of hours reading through them. Most Americans work for a living and do not have the time to do all this research like I do, so I have attempted to make it as easy as possible for people to begin the research and stay away from the silly stuff.
    As I have said for the past couple of years, 9/11 is the Achilles Heel of the global masters who intend to dominate the world. Because what's known as the 9/11 Truth Movement continues to grow at a rapid rate, Bush, Rummy and radio and cable talk show hosts as well as the controlled print media, have become more and more shrill in their attacks on average, ordinary people like me who are asking reasonable questions. This is a significant sign, at least to me, that the unseen hand which owns the White House, Congress and the dominant media are very concerned that the fairy tale told by the aforementioned is becoming no longer believable to millions.
    The admissions by Bush that he is no longer interested in Bin Laden and that Iraq had zip to do with 9/11, hasn't set well with tens of millions of Americans who feel they have been lied to - and they have. This is especially true for military families and active duty soldiers. There is no exit strategy for the unconstitutional invasion of Iraq because Bush's military is busy building some 12 permanent bases in Iraq, expanding the Empire. Heap on top of that, the issue of DU (depleted uranium) being used over in Afghanistan and Iraq, which we know has exposed tens of thousands of our own to the deadly affects of DU (see this important column) and what you have is a very angry people growing angrier by the day.
    Millions of Americans are demanding a real investigation and public hearings which do NOT deliberately omit the testimony of individuals like Sibel Edmonds who has a DOJ gag order to prevent her from telling what she knows. Now, how do you go about telling the American people that a full investigation has taken place if key individuals have been forbidden to testify or talk? As one panel member said at the Alex Jones summit in LA this past summer: if the government has nothing to hide, then why are they going to such lengths to hide everything? Refusal by the corrupt U.S. Department of Justice to release all the videos of the Pentagon that day (VDOT, the Sheraton and Pentagon gas station) sends up a huge red flag. What are they hiding? It must be something important because DOJ has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep these videos from ever being released to anyone - including family members who have requested copies. The old "national security" excuse has worn itself out and we the people are no longer willing to sit back and swallow lies for the sake of cosmetic patriotism or because the truth is too uncomfortable.
    I submit to you that there are two important individuals who must be put under oath and questioned. The first is Eric Haney who has stated that Bin Laden was killed in the massive bombing of Tora Bora, Afghanistan on December 15, 2001. I sent e-mail to Haney. He responded in the affirmative that Bin Laden was killed that day. Who is Haney? You can visit his web site: CSM Eric L. Haney, USA (Ret). "For more than twenty years, Command Sergeant Major (retired) Eric L. Haney served in the United States Army's most demanding combat units: As a Combat Infantryman, as a Ranger, and ultimately, as a founding member and eight-year veteran of the Army's super secret counter-terrorist arm, Delta Force." I would venture to guess that Haney has excellent contacts in the military.
    I'm not the only one who believes Bin Laden is worth more politically alive than dead, but the American people have the right to know the truth. If he is dead, it comes as no surprise that Mr. Bush considers Bin Laden irrelevant because he knows there's no chance of capture. Just keep producing boogie man videos every few months of Bin Laden and a loose knit, scattered bunch of thugs called Al-Qaida to keep the American people scared and willing to foolishly give up their God given rights.
    The second individual is Maj. Rick Gibney who allegedly is the pilot who shot down Flight 93; see here. The American people, the families of those who died on 9/11 - we the people deserve the truth and Major Gibney should be questioned under oath. There is another option here and that is to file a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain all the flight records on 9/11 for all aircraft stationed at Hector Field, Fargo, North Dakota. This FOIA would have to be filed by an organization with the money to fight it to the highest court because I can tell you from experience, when the government wants to stonewall you and it's their number one priority on FOIAs, they will bury you in legal expenses. If the FOIA provides the documents which clearly show Maj. Gibney and other jets taking off that day and their destination, the next question becomes: did you receive orders to shoot down Flight 93, from whom and did you? This is the way you get to the truth and stop the endless speculation - if you have nothing to hide, that is.
    9/11 was a multi-faceted operation. In several columns I did this past January and February (see below), I recapped the possible connection between Enron, the FED, Schwarzenegger, Oregon's water, dead microbiologists and 9/11.
    Enron - The Smokin' Cannon of 9/11?
    Related: Arnold's Enron Secret
    Enron, Cheney, 9/11, Live Hijackers & Dead Microbiologists
    Enron, 9/11, Lay, Schwarzenegger & Oregon's Water
    Besides Dick Cheney, was one of the major players in 9/11 Thomas E. White, who was Secretary of the Army at the time of 9/11? Prior to that lofty position, White was Vice Chairman of Enron Energy Services. It is inconceivable to anyone who has researched White that he was not indicted right along with Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling. Was White protected from the highest levels - meaning Dick Cheney - and handsomely rewarded for his role in 9/11? I have been diligently trying to keep my columns less than a giant tome, but for one to get a good grasp of the previous statement, I hope you'll bear with me on the length of this one. My friend referred to in Part I of Enron - The Smokin' Cannon of 9/11? has sent me a collection of e-mails requesting I expose more of how White and others have profited from 9/11:
    "August 7, 2006: Devvy: To find the article on Thomas White's new bonus in Wyoming, go to Google newsstand type in - DKRW ...This is White's new company, all partners are former Enron hierarchy. Then an article will appear titled, 'Enron Money Laundry'. 9/11, Anthrax, Cheney, Enron, etc., all the pieces fit.
    "8.16.06:. Devvy: Let me remind you of some important facts: When the Lt. Governor in April, 2001, filed suit in State court against Enron, White, who headed the most corrupt component of Enron, after 11 years, suddenly resigns his lucrative position, to become Army Secretary. One should also examine, Robert A. Belfer's liquidation of his vast Enron shares during 2001, and his timing; About two weeks after 9/11, the first Anthrax mailings were sent (from the New Jersey vicinity of "Urban Moving", which turned out to be a Mossad front, if you remember the 'Dancing Israel's' and two of which were formal Mossad agents);
    "The Anthrax was an unique strain - the Ames variety - which was an exclusive, weaponized version of the ARMY's, patented variety from Utah. After the mailings White was appointed by the Pentagon to be Homeland Security director. Shortly after the mailings, Judith Miller, published the scary book: "Germ." She produced this book, about 10 days after the mailings, which was very much researched. It was impossible to do this research, much less have it published in this short period of time, unless it was planned, for what I believe was the attempt to establish Martial Law (the DOJ could not prosecute anyone for Enron, in the extreme, with a tank sitting in front of it). White, although he headed the most corrupt component of Enron, was NOT prosecuted, NOR even called as a witness.
    "Judith Miller, as she misled the American People with Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, I believe was used to as a pawn to indoctrinate us to even welcome Martial Law, to protect against Anthrax. I sent faxes off to Miller, the Pentagon, and Ted Koppel (ABC), on how to easily negate Anthrax by a cheaply priced ozone producing machine, which are used in water purification and swimming pools. Thereafter, almost immediately, the Anthrax attacks stopped, and publicity died down. Incredibly too, despite this was biological warfare, the investigation into it was called off ONLY a month after, November, 2001.
    "The faxes was sent to Miller on a weekend - on the following Tuesday, when his silence, and to spin part of the profits to others who have knowledge and are being given notice that they were coming to their offices, Arthur Anderson, comes in Enron's offices to begin the unlawful shredding of documents. Four former executives of Enron, including Thomas White, are owners of a company named DKRW, which functionally is a clone of Enron, who is seeking government approval of guarantees of funding in Wyoming, Cheney's home state. I believe it is in part to buy silence."
    "The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper." --Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785. (*) ME 5:181, Papers 8:632
    Anyone who doesn't live in a vacuum or la-la land fully understands there is no "free press" in these united States of America - except the Internet. The government's media apparatus ("mainstream media") is nothing more than an extension of those who wish to destroy this Republic. In effect, they are co-conspirators in treason. A long time ago, Joseph Pulitzer, American newspaper publisher (1847-1911) said:
    "An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalisms of future generations."
    How prophetic. I have never thought any major media anchor or news people were any better than anyone else nor do I take everything they say at face value. I haven't watched "mainstream media" news my entire life. Every once in a while I might catch a minute or two of ABC, CBS and NBCs major anchors, but since it appeared they always carried the same stories at about the same time sandwiched in between inane garbage they call commercials, this type of programming has never appealed to me. I have never thought Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Connie Chung or any of these high power names were the "most trusted names in news." Nor, do I watch their replacements who are just different faces in the same suits who spew the same propaganda while never touching on the bigger picture. Quite frankly, I have always found them phony. Once I learned the truth about the world as it really is beginning back in 1991, I found these high paid mouthpieces detestable because I knew that they were only there in your living room to brain wash Americans with well planned propaganda.
    As technology progressed, along came the toady, Ted Turner with CNN on something called cable. It didn't take long for other networks to spring up, some worthy, most trash peddlers like HBO, another flesh operation which doesn't get my money. Eight years ago or so, a masterful stroke by the insiders produced FOX News, the "fair and balanced" network, bankrolled by Ruppert Murdock - a Bilderberger and major globalist who cares nothing about this Republic and is a supporter of a one world government. I know that many conservatives jumped on Hannity & Colmes like a drowning man would a life preserver in the middle of the ocean because FOX came along at the height of frustration for conservatives over Bill and Hill Clinton. FOX was a God-send to these folks.
    It's very important to keep the people neutralized. Very popular "conservative" talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity and others have kept millions of conservatives neutralized by not discussing the issues covered on Conservatives out there don't believe this because they need to have heroes and too many simply can't handle the truth, it's too painful. They have been betrayed over and over by political party leadership. They hated Bill Clinton and when Limbaugh and FOX came along, the people were ripe for the pickins.' However, once a person understands how the game is played, then one understands that if you play the game, the game plays you and FOX was just the ticket. What do I mean?
    Think about the timing of Drudge's skyrocket into stardom when someone slipped this obscure little Internet "gadfly" the block buster story of the infamous blue dress with Billy Clinton's semen stain. The rest is history as they say. Then it didn't take long for FOX News to take off, emerging as the "fair and balanced" and offering up the "first and only conservative voice on television." Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, but for the desperate, conservatives jumped on Hannity & Bill O'Reilly in a NY second. However, you will never see me, Bill Benson, Phyllis Spivey, Dr. Edwin Vieira, Dr. Michael Coffman, Jeri Lynn Ball or any other fine researchers or journalists out to expose the agenda of a one world order on any FOX, MSNBC or CNN program. This is an indisputable fact. Not because any of us would appear on television as knuckle dragging conspiracy wackos, but because what we have to say cannot be allowed to reach the masses of American people.
    And, speaking of Drudge, when is he going to start linking to worthy columns that inform and warn the American people about the bigger picture? It seems the past few years, most of what he links is to Hollywood buzz or partisan politics. You never see a link on Drudge to any columns on NWVs or any other web site that is exposing the global agenda by breaking it down into sizable pieces of documented information. Matt Drudge averages over 8,000,000 million hits a day; 3,451,064,133 hits so far this year. Drudge has tremendous power to reach so many. Too bad he doesn't use his web site more to expose the communist agenda because time grows short.
    Greta Van Susteren (FOX News), Nancy Grace (Court TV) and her own show on CNN Headline News, and Catherine Crier (Court TV and former Texas Judge) all tout that they want to help solve a murder you know about. They chant this mantra every evening during and at the end of their programs. I can tell you this is bull - unless the murder victim isn't Dr. Don C. Wiley and then they are interested. I have given up hounding all three of these TV divas to help me solve this murder by bringing me on their television program to discuss this cover up. I know it can be solved, but all three have ignored me.
    I obtained through another media source, the home phone number and address for Mark Furhman, who has done an admirable job in helping solve murders and bring killers to justice. Last month I sent Furhman a letter along with my CD which contains the complete Memphis Police Department botched investigation and asked him to please help me solve Dr. Wiley's murder. Two weeks later, I sent a follow up letter to his home asking him politely for the final time to please help me solve this murder. It was returned unopened. Furhman's new book on Terri Schiavo is about to hit the book stores, so I understand he's busy, but common courtesy would at least dictate he return my phone calls (two to his home) and let me know one way or the other that he must decline at this time. Instead, all I have received is dead silence. Dead silence just like this dead microbiologist who I know was murdered and that has huge implications regarding 9-11.
    So much for all these big paycheck media figures who want to solve a murder you know about. I have no place else to go in trying to get anyone in the "mainstream" media to help me solve Dr. Wiley's murder. This heinous act is most definitely connected to deaths of so many other microbiologists, it does have a connection with 9-11 and it's a travesty that not one of the media individuals I have hounded to help me solve this case are willing to find their back bone, step forward and get this murder out into the open. I find them all rather pitiful in that none of them appear to have the courage to pursue the truth on a very important series of murders. If you read the hundreds of pages on my CD and the MPD investigation on Dr. Wiley's death, you will know what I mean.
    Let's face it, today's electronic and print media aren't real news agencies. They are propaganda machines, pure and simple. Much is made about the bias of the New York Times. It may surprise some, but who the heck cares about the NY Times which prints all the news that's fit to fake? I don't and never have; neither does anyone I know and I know a lot of people. Do I care about what the LA Times, Sacramento Bee, USA Today or any other "mainstream" paper prints? Nope, don't buy them and I don't even read them when slipped under my hotel room door. I just put them in the trash where they belong.
    These big media people need to understand something: the average person out there like me - we don't care what your big Eastern newspapers or conglomerate propaganda rags print because we don't buy your papers. Even small towns like where my parents reside have a newspaper, but like the biggies, it is worthless. Mostly ads for local companies and their editorial page is pap filled with the usual blame game bilge pitting the Republicans against the Democrats. For those who really want to subscribe to a newspaper that hits hard with thoroughly documented facts, I highly recommend The Idaho Observer, a newspapers delivered right to your door. Of course, you won't be getting your local sports coverage or editorial pages filled with propaganda, but you will get the truth on a variety of critical issues.
    What to do about the media?
    In the mid-thirties, every major newspaper in this country was acquired by those working to destroy this Republic. This is a fact. It is critical to control the flow of information so the masses don't find out what's being done to them before it's too late. There is only one thing to do with the media, the same thing that must be done to banks who knowingly and openly do business with criminals (illegal aliens): stop feeding them your money. The Masters of the Game lust for power and power is acquired with money. Why on earth would you keep funding your enemy? Just to read the sports page or look at the latest porn ads (women all but naked except for wisps of material called underwear) over Kellog's? If you need to look at the 'want ads' go to the local library.
    I don't really like to advocate boycotting any legal business because it hurts the little guy who works for these conglomerates. I understand this completely. However, this Republic is in extreme danger of collapsing and desperate times require desperate measures. The people must learn to use the power of their purse to bring down the enemy.
    Put these newspapers out of business by stopping your subscription and don't advertise with them. After you stop your subscription, send the editor an e-mail (find your local newspaper using a google search then locate the editor's e-mail address or the publisher). Send an e-mail and tell them that you will no longer put money in their pocket until they begin using their editorial page to warn the American people about the real issues destroying this Republic. Tell them you don't care about bickering between the two "main" political parties, you care about the insidious agenda being carried out against the American people. Tell him/her the real issues can be found in the hundreds of factual and thoroughly documented columns on NWVs about sustainable development, CODEX and so many others. Be polite, but simply tell them why you have canceled your subscription.
    Call talk radio and let your talk show host know that you are withdrawing your support for their show until they start talking about the critical issues cited above and quit wasting time spending three hours on what new world order agent Newt Gingich is saying, who Angelina Jollie is sleeping with or blather from Marxist Hillary Clinton. We need the massive listening audiences out there in talk radio land to understand the bigger picture and that 'blame game politics' is just a distraction to keep the American people away from the truth. Let the talk show host (or their handler) know that since you won't listen to their show anymore, you also won't hear the ads. Make no mistake about it: advertising is what drives these businesses. The bigger their ratings, the more advertisers. The same applies for newspapers.
    The bottom line is this: the "mainstream media" is corrupt. Daily newspapers around the country with few exceptions are little more than propaganda machines. Stop feeding the government's media apparatus, electronic or print. I know this will cost jobs and it will also have a ripple effect for the local economy. But, to continue funding the enemy is insane. Talk to your friends and family and ask them to do the same. Advertisers will quickly catch on that there is a major boycott of ABC, NBC and CBS news, FOX, MSNBC, CNN and all newspapers who refuse to begin warning the American people about what's just over the horizon. Then let them hash it out or go under.
    The Internet has become the only tool constitutionalists have in getting factual, verifiable information and documentation to our fellow country men and women. Support those that bring forth the documented truth and help them grow by shutting out the propaganda machines. This is something everyone can do that will have a huge impact if everyone will participate. Actions speak louder than words. Put massive pressure on all media to either begin using their publications and networks for the good of America or they can kiss your money good bye. There's nothing that scares networks and news papers more than the threat of boycott because it dries up their local advertising which is their bread and butter.
    Don't be silent, let them know why you're taking your money elsewhere. Don't hit ABC, CBS, NBC or other "news" web sites that continue to feed the American people worthless information while using their web sites to promote "democracy" in America. Better you wear one of my new, beautiful, Made in America tee shirts that carry the message: 'We are not a democracy. America is a Constitutional Republic, learn the difference.' This tool (shirt) will make people wonder why James Madison said what he did about democracies and hopefully get our fellow countrymen and women onto the path of learning and out of their self imposed comas. I'm also hopeful that "liberals" will also see this shirt so they will finally begin to understand that America is not a democracy and stop their promotion of the big lie. We need to get everyone on the right sheet of music and off the liberal vs conservative treadmill.
    We are the wind and you can become part of a force that can't be ignored by politicians and the media. President Andy Jackson said one man with courage makes a majority. Believe it. Live it. Stay the course.

    © 2005 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved
    END OF AN ERA 1/20/2009

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    Nov 2004

    The 'Gate-less Community ... green.html

    The 'Gate-less Community
    In any other administration, Bush's scandal-plagued Army secretary, Thomas White, would be history. But the rules have changed

    By Joshua Green

    One Wednesday morning in late May, Army Secretary Thomas White arrived late at his ornate Pentagon office, the strain of a breakfast meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff still visible in his face. Not quite one year into the job, he was suffering through one of the rockiest tenures for a service secretary in decades. As the highest-ranking Bush administration official to have worked at Enron Corp., he had been dogged by critics since January. Lawmakers from both parties had gone after him for failing to comply with an ethics agreement to divest himself of Enron stock after he'd promised to do so. A list of his contacts with Enron officials since taking office, submitted at the request of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) to determine if he'd traded on insider information, had turned out to be incomplete: White had claimed 29 contacts; it proved to be 84. In the midst of all this, he had taken a military jet to close the sale of his $6.5-million ski home in Aspen, prompting an investigation by the Defense Department's inspector general. Both The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times had called on him to resign. As if that weren't enough, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had, without consulting White, eliminated the Army's prized Crusader artillery system. And when Army talking points surfaced on Capitol Hill immediately thereafter, warning that "a decision to kill Crusader puts soldiers at risk," White's departure had seemed imminent. Things were about to get even worse--his old business unit, Enron Energy Services, had been tied to price-fixing during California's energy crisis, and White had just learned that Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) would call him to testify before a Commerce Committee panel.

    But first, duty called. White arrived to find a film crew and a swarm of tweedy officials from the National Science Center on hand to celebrate an educational "partnership agreement" with the Army. With weary resignation, he ushered the scientists in, gamely posed for grip 'n' grin photos, and with practiced efficiency, dispatched the group with handshakes and "U.S. Army" tie tacks.

    When the crowd was gone, White removed his suit jacket, rolled up his sleeves, and collapsed into a chair to discuss his predicament, looking every bit like a man under investigation by the FBI, the SEC, and an inspector general. "Never having held a Senate-confirmed job, you tend to forget the complexity of the environment," he confessed, resuming an earlier conversation. "Obviously, against the background of Enron and all the public interest in that, that's probably made it even more challenging."

    Though White retired from the Army as a brigadier general in 1990, he still speaks in the cadence and idiom of an officer. But with his thinning gray hair, pinstriped suits, and silk ties, he has come to resemble a business executive--one pummeled by bad news and giving more than passing thought to the possibility of stepping down. "It's a subject of daily conversation with my wife and I," he reflected, sipping a Diet Coke. "Is this all worth it? Your family is not used to seeing your name on the front page of the newspaper in a less-than-complimentary way. The question is, are you still an effective spokesman for the Army? Do you feel like your voice is heard in the department? Or do you get to the point where the distractions are just too great?"

    When I'd first met him some months earlier, White had been addressing the Enron situation for the first time to a passel of handpicked reporters. Though candid and straightforward, at times even displaying a flash of Rumsfeld's brio, he conceded to reporters that he'd discussed the Enron connection with Rumsfeld and had retained a private attorney, and then pointedly addressed the topic on everyone's mind: "If I ever get to the point where the Enron business represents a major and material distraction...then I wouldn't stay." Most in the room--perhaps even White himself--assumed this to be the groundwork for an impending resignation. Yet several months, and a couple of scandals later, here we were. To the amazement of many, White not only remains in his job; he seems ever less likely to depart.

    In early March, as the drumbeat was building for White's resignation, his press officer had called me with an enticing proposition: to travel with the secretary, attend private press conferences, and engage in a series of one-on-one interviews. Any Washington insider understands that such arrangements have symbiotic value. In exchange for special access, I was to be an instrument of White's resurrection--it was tacitly hoped that my portrait of a man on the job would help "change the story" surrounding him. But after having spent time with White and his staff over the past months, as scandals have flared up and receded, one odd fact about the secretary stands out above all else: Perhaps no one is more surprised that Thomas White is still around than Thomas White.

    As his example testifies, the culture of scandal that dominated political Washington in the 1980s and 1990s has undergone a swift and radical shift. Under George W. Bush, acts that not long ago would have constituted firing offenses can now be ridden out. This shift has happened so suddenly that most of establishment Washington hasn't quite figured it out. But the Bush administration has, and as with every other political opportunity that has come their way, they are exploiting it masterfully.

    Rules of Disengagement

    There traditionally have been two kinds of Washington scandal. The first involves an actual violation of the law, like the Watergate burglary, and carries clear consequences--jail time, fines, disbarment. The other embraces those far more common, though more ambiguous, transgressions that fall short of outright felony but still constitute betrayals of the public trust--conflicts of interest, abuses of power, sleeping with one's secretary, or similar activities that bring disgrace to public office. The penalty for such ethical breaches is often no less prescribed than it is for actual crimes: decorous resignation, voluntary or otherwise.

    Washington has adhered to this unwritten code for as long anyone can remember. Consider Harold Talbott, the secretary of the Air Force under President Eisenhower. In 1955, Talbott got caught using official Air Force stationery to conduct business for his consulting firm, and referring contracts to an engineering firm in which he was a partner. Talbott maintained--accurately--that he had broken no law. Yet the appearance of impropriety was impossible to ignore. Eisenhower didn't hesitate to oust him. Three years later, Eisenhower's chief of staff, Sherman Adams, was caught accepting the gift of a vicuna coat from a Boston industrialist seeking to curry favor with the administration. Although Adams was a most trusted member of the president's inner circle, he, too, had to resign.

    Throughout all the changes in Washington since then, the political world has more or less hewed to this rule of scandal. Indeed, with the flurry of post-Watergate ethics laws, and intensified media competition over the last couple of decades, the trend has been toward less tolerance, not more. Had White made his missteps in any previous administration, he most certainly wouldn't have lasted. In 1993, for example, Roger Altman, the deputy Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, was forced to resign after failing to fully disclose the number of contacts between the White House and Treasury over Whitewater. Shortly thereafter, David Watkins, a White House administrator, resigned a day after it came to light that he had taken a government helicopter to play golf. Such strictness wasn't limited to Democratic administrations. John Sununu, President George H. W. Bush's chief of staff, was forced out after he was found to have used a government vehicle to attend a rare-stamp convention.

    But something changed when George W. Bush became president. The current administration has not lacked questionable behavior: Karl Rove met with Intel executives in the White House even as he held a significant amount of Intel stock; Deputy Interior Secretary J. Stephen Griles, a former coal-industry lobbyist, intervened in an energy-exploration dispute on behalf of former clients; Dick Cheney met repeatedly with energy company officials who appear to have had a strong hand in formulating the administration's energy policy; and, of course, there is White. Yet each retains his job. Eighteen months into Bush's term, his only appointee to resign under a cloud is Michael Parker, the former civilian chief of the Army Corps of Engineers, and not over allegations of corruption, but for what this administration views as the one true deadly sin: disloyalty. (Parker publicly criticized the president's budget.) By contrast, two years into the Clinton administration, 10 political appointees had resigned; under the elder Bush, eight; under Reagan, 13. What has changed isn't so much the conduct of officials, but the standards by which they're judged. The "new tone" that George W. Bush brought to Washington isn't one of integrity, but of permissiveness.

    The White Stuff

    On the morning of June 19, White was visiting the Army's 10th Mountain Division in Fort Drum, New York. We had flown up on a Gulfstream G-5 (the Army's Air Force One) so that White could be briefed by troops just returned from Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. As the lights dimmed and the PowerPoint display began, the crunching heavy-metal chords of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" suddenly cascaded from speakers overhead, a fitting accompaniment to a testosterone-driven presentation. White was in his element. Fluent in the language of military acronyms and eager to flaunt it, he interrupted nearly every sentence with pointed questions. Among the roomful of soldiers, unaccustomed to service secretaries with such expertise, the respect was palpable. Afterward, one of them pulled me aside, leaned in close, and earnestly declared, "Secretary White is the shit."

    White is more popular with the troops than any secretary in recent memory, a fact that stems from his unusual background. Because the law dictates that the armed services are directly under civilian authority, service secretaries generally fit the mold of men such as White's predecessors Togo West and Louis Caldera, drawn from the world of business, law, or politics with only a tangential connection to the uniform (and are often viewed unfavorably within the Army as a result). White, on the other hand, is a soldier through and through.

    Born in Detroit in 1943 to a bus driver and a homemaker, his military career had an inauspicious beginning. By his own admission, he wasn't a rigorous student. When, at the suggestion of an uncle, he applied to West Point, "it took me three times to sneak in the back door," he recalls. His lackadaisical attitude carried over into the academy. Much like Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), he was a hard-drinking, fun-loving iconoclast with little regard for rules and procedure--something he takes great pleasure in revealing. "I was not what you'd call a model cadet," he admits; and, like McCain, he finished near the bottom of his class. It wasn't until he graduated in 1967 that his professional prospects improved. He served two tours in Vietnam with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, where he proved himself in combat, opted to make a career of the Army, and rose quickly through the ranks. White served in posts across the United States and Europe, eventually returning to command the 11th Cavalry in the mid-1980s. From there, he went to the Pentagon to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ultimately serving as Gen. Colin Powell's executive officer and becoming the first in his West Point class to attain the rank of general.

    Ask the secretary's staff why he has managed to survive and they'll note, among other things, the advantage his military record affords the administration. Besides being Army secretary, White is the Defense Department's point man on homeland security programs and the acting assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict. Yet it was his private-sector experience, not his service background, that Bush touted upon choosing him, as part of his campaign to run the Pentagon more like a business. Moreover, Bush's Defense Department hasn't been terribly interested in accommodating the career military. Many of Rumsfeld's civilian subordinates at the Pentagon never served in uniform, and as a group are widely loathed by the brass for scrapping weapons such as the much-maligned Crusader in the interest of "transformation." White may not have been responsible for the pro-Crusader talking points, but his loyalty to the Army certainly hasn't endeared him to Rumsfeld.

    For all his success, White had become demoralized by 1990. He agonized over the painful downsizing that appeared inevitable following the demise of the Soviet Union, and told Powell that he was contemplating retirement. "There will be other wars," Powell countered. "That's just the nature of the beast." But White, who had other concerns, was not persuaded. "The Army told me I could look forward to moving just about every year," he explained. "Family-wise, with three children, I thought it was the right thing to do, so I headed off to the private sector." Surprising nearly everyone, White ended his 23-year Army career, retiring on July 1, 1990. Exactly one month later, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, sparking the Gulf War.

    Soldier of Fortune

    The specter of Enron is never far removed from Thomas White these days, evident in the jitteriness of his press aides, the low profile he's adopted since January, and even in the unlikely choice of a painting of the American Museum of Financial History that hangs outside his office. As White tells it, he went to Enron purely by accident. At George H.W. Bush's inaugural in 1989, he bumped into John Wing, an old West Point buddy, who was working in the newly deregulated energy market building electrical power stations. Wing invited his former classmate to join him at the new Texas power company, and the day after he left the Army, White went straight to work. "I never put a resume together. I just kind of walked in the door." He had no particular expertise that fitted him for the job. Instead, White says, "I thought I could bring leadership to an organization that was rapidly growing."

    White worked in various capacities during his 11 years at Enron, eventually becoming vice chairman of Enron Energy Services, which specialized in energy privatization, and was, like the rest of the company, committed to remarkably aggressive growth. Enron executives who worked under him say such zeal frequently eclipsed economic judgment, and EES signed contracts it had no clear ability to fulfill. In several cases, it actually paid out as much as $50 million to secure contracts with companies like IBM as "a show of faith." One reason for the recent criticism of White is that EES had a practice of booking the profits from these multi-year deals up front, allowing executives like White, whose bonuses were tied to performance, to collect millions of dollars before the company had realized any actual profit. Such practices entailed considerable losses. But, as whistleblower Sherron Watkins testified to Congress, EES was under tremendous pressure to show a profit in 2000, which led White's retail division to hide $500 million in losses by dubiously shifting it to the wholesale division, leaving its balance sheet with a profit of $105 million--but one only concocted by creative accounting. "Nobody with a straight face could say EES was making money," says a former EES official, who still works in the field and requested anonymity. "It had been hemorrhaging money every quarter since its inception." Still, in 2001, White received more than $31 million in salary, bonuses, and stock. "White was paid primarily from incentive-based compensation packages," charges Tyson Slocum, research director for the watchdog group Public Citizen. "Therefore, his salary was being inflated by the fraudulent accounting practices that EES was implementing."

    Despite media pressure, White has not yet had to explain the particulars of his service at Enron. But he may have to soon. EES was recently implicated in price fixing during the California energy crisis. And Sen. Dorgan, whose subcommittee is investigating the issue, has announced that he'll call on White to testify sometime in late July. White has adopted a Ken Lay style of defense. "There is a certain sense of betrayal that activities were permitted in the corporation--the off-balance-sheet partnerships and all the rest--that were highly damaging," he told me. "My business unit was retail energy, which has nothing to do with wholesale trading [the unit connected with price fixing], yet I'm the guy who's being called to testify in front of Sen. Dorgan's committee because I'm the senior most public official that will appear in front of a microphone. That's frustrating."

    But while those who worked for him in EES don't believe that he was as guilty of wrongdoing as were Lay or Jeffrey Skilling, neither do they accept his professions of ignorance. "White's a good guy," said one official who worked under him at EES. "But at the end of the day, he's a guy who, to be blunt, was never qualified to be a senior executive in the private sector. He was a congenial, pleasant man, but showed no real capability or desire to learn the details or the facts of the deals we were working on. He was openly referred to by the staff as 'Mr. Magoo.'" Said another EES employee: "He was not that dialed in. Organizationally, he's just a mess." And though White has denied that he was ousted, both he and EES chairman Lou Pai were replaced in 2000 by a management team that staffers say was brought in explicitly to clean up the bad deals that were losing EES so much money. Furthermore, even given White's lack of interest in specifics, former employees say it is impossible that the vice chairman of EES could have been unaware that something was amiss. "If the company was losing money every quarter, how did it magically turn around and make a $100-million profit?" wonders one. "Being a nice guy doesn't absolve you of responsibility." The debate over White's culpability boils down to a simple proposition that is likely to be put to him--repeatedly--before the Commerce Committee: Either he knew of the malfeasance at Enron and was therefore complicit, or he was ignorant of it and therefore lacked any claim to the business acumen that putatively justified his hiring as secretary of the Army.

    Republican Rabbis

    So if it isn't business skill or military experience that explains White's unlikely endurance, what is it? What has changed about Washington that allows a serial scandalizer to hold onto his job?

    One reason may be that, in this administration, enriching oneself while one's business goes bust isn't necessarily frowned upon. The president himself made a small fortune selling his failed oil company to business friends of his father. The vice president reaped tens of millions of dollars for engineering a disastrous merger at his former company, Halliburton. Indeed, Bush, Cheney, and White are all part of a culture of "crony capitalism" whose resurgence has been quietly accepted in Washington, a culture in which a stint in the private sector is valued mostly as a ticket-punching exercise that allows one to get rich, ride out the time between government jobs, and demonstrate that one really isn't a creature of Washington. To dump White would risk raising questions about this entire way of life.

    Another reason that people like White now survive scandals is the extraordinarily self-protective web of contacts and understandings that supports the current administration. When White chose to pursue the secretaryship, one of his first calls was to his old boss, Colin Powell. "The personal networks that underlie all of this--the character and tightness of those networks--has everything to do with [White's survival]," says G. Calvin Mackenzie, a professor of government at Colby College who has co-written, with Michael Hafken, a forthcoming book on executive-branch malfeasance, Scandal Proof: Do Ethics Laws Make Government Ethical?. "If you have a Îrabbi' watching over you"--an old term of art for a sponsor and protector--"if you're somebody's guy, then you're much better fortified against an attack. If people start rattling your cage and your rabbi can protect you, you stick around longer." Current and former Pentagon officials report that even those eager to see White go are conscious of his standing with Powell and the difficulty this poses to removing him.

    On a broader scale, this dynamic helps to explain why so few Bush officials have been forced out. Both Clinton and Reagan struggled to assemble reliable staffs in part because their party had been absent from power. "But when Bush was elected, there was a whole team ready to be brought in off the sidelines," says Ed Hughes, who worked in Clinton's counsel's office. By contrast, says a former top Clinton official, "The early Clinton years were the original amateur hour. There was no understanding of how you protect your own people, so they simply got jettisoned."

    Yet another reason--obvious, when you think about it--is that the Bush administration is the first in more than 25 years that doesn't have to contend with the independent-counsel law, which Congress let expire in 1992 (reviving it in '94 to pursue Hillary and Whitewater) and again in '99. Between 1979, when the first independent counsel was appointed to investigate alleged drug use by President Carter's chief of staff, Hamilton Jordan, and 1998, when the last was named to look into charges of influence peddling by Clinton's labor secretary, Alexis Herman, independent-counsel investigations prompted scores of resignations (though significantly fewer convictions). It's hard to imagine that Enron would not have prompted such an investigation, or that an independent prosecutor wouldn't have targeted White, if for no other reason than to extract evidence to use against his superiors.

    Even in the absence of independent-counsel inquiries, administration officials in questionable positions have often been forced to resign by aggressive congressional investigations. But here, too, something fundamental has changed. The Republican-controlled House has no incentive to pursue members of the Bush administration, and the Democratic-controlled Senate appears to lack the nerve. At the height of February's congressional chest-thumping over Enron, when lawmakers announced 13 different hearings on the matter, no one had the temerity to demand White's testimony; Dorgan only summoned him in July. And those Democrats who are investigating White don't pretend to match the Republicans' doggedness against the last administration. "Part of it is that we've been on the other side of this, we've seen the way the Republicans treated the Clinton administration," says a Democratic House aide. "Every minor allegation that came out, whether substantiated or not, was followed by a firestorm of people calling on administration officials to resign." To date, not a single Democrat has so called upon White.

    So it isn't hard to understand the confidence with which White's staff views Sen. Dorgan's hearing. "If they want us to come up there and explain how energy markets work, the secretary would be happy to give them a lesson," says Charles Krohn, White's top press aide.

    That White has lasted so long is also partly explicable by the fact that Bush operates in a different media environment. The sharpest calls for White's resignation have come from "liberal" editorial pages like those of The New York Times, which would have sent earlier administrations scrambling, but which this one is willing (often gleefully) to ignore. And after hyping Clinton scandals for eight-plus years, the establishment press has so diluted the currency of corruption charges that more and more people simply ignore them.

    The Bush administration also enjoys broader leeway because it is free of the "vast right-wing conspiracy"--the subsidized scandal-mongering, talk radio, and attack journalism that has no equivalent on the left to fetishize White's travails as conservatives did those of Vince Foster and Webster Hubbell.

    White and his colleagues have also benefited from media preoccupation with other stories. "Scandals become big stories when there's no news competition," says Mackenzie. "The biggest occur at the slowest news times." And though White's troubles, and especially Enron's, have received considerable attention even in the midst of war, the steady flow of important news from elsewhere in the world obviates the sort of blanket scandal coverage that forces an administration to act.

    Post-Scandal Zeitgeist

    There is one more change in Washington that the Bush administration has exploited--a gift from Bill Clinton. For while early in his presidency Clinton may have unwittingly accelerated the scandal culture by too readily sacrificing officials who had come under fire, in his second term he demonstrated, during the Lewinsky flap, that steadfastly refusing to bow to his opponents can pay off. Bush has applied this lesson to his own style of governance, strengthening a protectiveness he showed as governor of Texas. "There is an element of pridefulness at work that doesn't acknowledge or permit these things to come into play," says Bruce Buchanan, a political science professor at the University of Texas in Austin.

    Even these changes in the culture of Washington scandal, however, don't fully explain White's continuing presence. At some point, won't he become too big a political liability? I put that question to one of his closest aides, who told me an amazing story: During a trip to West Point on June 1, Bush pulled White aside for a private talk. "As long as they're hitting you on Enron, they're not hitting me," said Bush, according to this Army official. "That's your job. You're the lightning rod for this administration."

    Bush may benefit from keeping White in the job, but White's ability to perform it has clearly diminished. And he himself has said he would step down if he could no longer function as the public face of the Army. But since January, he has declined interview requests from every major network. "Whenever he opened his mouth, they'd write about Enron," explains Col. Joseph Schroedel, White' s executive officer. "He was having a hard time getting the Army's story out. So he stopped talking to the media."

    White is the most obvious beneficiary of the new, post-scandal Zeitgeist. But he's probably not the last. Indeed, if he survives, he'll establish a precedent. It's difficult to see why future appointees would feel compelled to resign if White doesn't have to. If the old Washington culture sometimes forced good people out for minor infractions, the new one tips the balance the other way. And for the current administration, that is very good news.
    Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God

  3. #3
    Senior Member CCUSA's Avatar
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    I hope the truth comes out soon. I have a feeling we are'nt going to like what we find out.
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