ACLU Admitted in 1921 They're Work was Solely Propaganda Directed at Liberals
Thanks to P.A. Madison for this GEM!

A brief statement of present conditions in the United States and of the work of the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, published September, 21, 1921 by the ACLU:

"The chief activity necessarily is publicity in one form or other, for ours is a work of propaganda — getting facts across from our point-of-view. That consists of a regular news service to 450 weekly labor, farmer and liberal papers; special news releases to daily papers; occasional news statements to special groups of papers, including foreign labor and liberal publications; pamphlets; an information service to 420 co-operation speakers and writers throughout the country; and a weekly mimeographed report on all cases, which is sent to selected papers and list of subscribers."

There you have it folks, right from the horses mouth!