July 13, 2008

Why Parents Are Voting BALDWIN

If you are a Parent you have every reason to vote for Chuck Baldwin. Chuck believes that every parent should have the right to train and educate their own children in the way they see fit. Government schools have failed our children miserabley7 and we all know that.

It is not politically correct to acknowledge that public education controlled by the Federal Government has failed. Chuck Baldwin is not a politician he is a private citizen who has had many of the same difficult experiences you have had with public education. It is time to get the Federal Government out of the business of educating our children.

One of the first things Chuck will do is abolish the Department of Education. This was part of the Reagan platform when he ran for president. Unfortunately, it was never accomplished. Under a Baldwin administration it will be done.

Your children will not be treated as social experiments but you will have the right to control what they are taught and how they are taught. When the direction of public education was closest to the people it educated children. Today it is merely a tool for Bureaucrats to make money and control our lives.

Presidents before Chuck Baldwin gave us things like the "Fair Deal" and the "New Deal." Where or not either of these "deals" was "fair or real" is up to history. Senators Obama and McCain are offering parents the same old "Raw Deal" when it comes to the education of our children. President Chuck Baldwin is the "Real Deal" and he will always support parent's rights.


http://cppartynews.blogspot.com/2008/07 ... ldwin.html