By Rev. Ted Pike
26 Apr 10

Last Thursday the legislative authority for homosexual Rep. Barney Frank told me that ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, could be up for a floor vote in the US House within two weeks.

ENDA means unimagined legal, social, and moral disaster for America.

For the last forty years the Boy Scouts of America have resisted onslaught by the homosexual lobby and liberal "civil liberties" groups to allow homosexuals to become scout masters. Yet pervasive intrusion by homosexual volunteers has been relentless. Result: last week's nearly twenty-million dollar judgment against scouting in Oregon for hiding abuses against a former scout, Kerry Lewis, by a homosexual scout master.

Yet if ENDA, HR 3017, becomes law, the scouts, along with all businesses with over fifteen employees in America, will actually be forced to hire a horde of qualified homosexuals in all positions. Churches might also have to hire gays in at least non-spiritual posts.

ENDA also forces businesses to give men "transitioning" from male to female complete access to women and girls' bathroom and shower facilities.

Considering what happened to the scouts, can you imagine the chaos that will result when businesses and churches are actually required to make homosexuals a part of their workforce - on penalty of huge fines and even imprisonment?

What We Can Do

It's up to YOU to keep ENDA from even getting to the floor of the House.

- Call the representative in Congress from your district, and say, "I urge you to please vote against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, HR 3017. It discriminates against employers, giving special rights to homosexuals."

- Call the crucial sixteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, most of whom have vigorously opposed hate crimes legislation in the past. Tell them, "Please do your best to fight ENDA in its upcoming mark-up hearing."

- Take this link to the list names of Judiciary Republicans on the Action Page at http://www.truthtellers.org/actionplan.html. Call toll-free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-224-3121.

Promoters of ENDA have had difficulty getting the votes they need because some Congressional Democrats, like most Americans, are horrified by ENDA's "transgender" provision - requiring employers to allow transitioning males access to women's facilities. Let's encourage this rift among the Democrats by blitzing Congress now with protest. ENDA's mark-up hearing has not been scheduled. If we can prevent it through heavy calling, we will have struck a powerful blow against the perverts who are not only ruining the Boy Scouts, but intend to sexually violate and destroy as many of America's children as possible.

Defeat of ENDA would also have a strong secondary effect: it would prove once again that lovers of family and freedom do not have to wait until the decisive midterm elections, or until a violent revolution, to change America for the better.

Legislative change is still possible, despite bitter disappointment of healthcare reform passage. A powerful weapon, spectacularly used for surgical strikes upon crucial legislative weak points in the Democratic control of Congress, still remains at our disposal. In fact, it may be only an arm's length from you - your telephone.


Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this subject. Call (503) 631-3808.

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National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

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