As time goes on and the spending bill just flew through with more garbage than who knows what. It seems that our government is totally out of control and has shut us out and most Americans are just giving up. Even with all our efforts in full force what can be done anymore. I hate what is happening and every day it gets crazier, and no matter what I do or talk to, this direction were going in is being forced upon me and will we all eventually have to accept someones agenda and live our lives under their rules. And the select few will be punished severely. I swear the powers that be are trying to bring us back to the dark ages with ultimate rulers and we are their disposable servants. I'm so tired of everyone in our government telling me to get involved and tell them, but I do EVERYDAY and I have to work all day too, so I have to do my job and THEIRS!!! And they still do what they want anyway!! I feel trapped and I am not implying that we should all quit or stop what we all try so hard to do, but were all being dictated to and I'm running out of breath. We would never do it, and I would never advocate violence but will it have to get violent for our leaders to do OUR WILL and Not theirs? And even so it would probably spin the country off into lawlessness and worse than just accepting being dictated to and limited to what they feel is best for me. Have we lost total control of the USA as we know it, and given our children a country that will be in economic and social oppression for generations? Or is their a chance of our constituntion reclaiming its spot as law of the land?