Media has worked overtime to hide the true persona of their chosen messiah

America cannot afford Obama

By Bob Beers
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just as Jimmy Carter was no friend of the United States and crafted his economic policies to favor his European friends, Barrack Obama prefers the Middle Eastern theocracies. He has praised Islamic Terrorists as prime examples of humanity’s best. He has ignored and even sniffed at memorials of the holocaust. While his wife was damning the country that kept her wealthy and free, Obama was doing everything he could to ignore the mutilation of prepubescent girls in the Sudan.

His share-the-wealth Marxist philosophy is well known, but the media has worked overtime to hide the true persona of their chosen messiah. His recent comments in regard to coal-fired power plants are a wide open door to the real Obama and his plans for the destruction of the American way of life. He has directed the FBI and other national security organizations to tone down their efforts to track down foreign nationals on the terror watch list while at the same time allowing the bloated bureaucracy to terrorize Americans attempting to survive this economy by running home businesses. One senior citizen was jailed for not filing the correct form to sell a certain orchid. At the same time a California State Trooper allowed a car full of Somalis with Islamic names and no corroborative story as to where they were going and why to continue on after their names turned up on the watch list during a traffic stop.

Oh, you think that last bit was overstated? A little too shrill? Unfortunately I may be understating just how bad things are going to get with this Obama administration. He has proudly stated that he plans to put policies in place that will cause electric rates to skyrocket. Under Obama, it won’t matter whether or not you can afford to buy that big screen TV, you won’t be able to afford to turn it on. Obama’s glowing praise of the PLO leadership, his friendship with the founder of the Weather Underground, his calm declaration of how he carefully chose Marxists, Communists, and social activists as his friends all give you a picture of the man behind the media. He does not want you to be able to afford to live as a free citizen. He and his fellow Democrats in Washington want you to have to depend upon them for your very existence. That is why Joe the Plumber was attacked so viciously. Under any other circumstance, what the Democrats have done to that man would be, quite literally, a felony. If you can afford to go grocery shopping now, pay your bills and have a little bit left over, they consider you to be wealthy.

Obama does not want to just control the American economy, nor even the lives of the average American, he wants to control the world…and he just may have an avenue toward that goal. His buddy, George Bush, the only Republican President nearly as incompetent as Jimmy Carter, has laid the groundwork with NAFTA and the Mexico to Canada super highway. Obama loves the idea and so does Europe If the US becomes nothing more than a portion of a European-style union, the last of the superpowers will have lost its sovereignty and any hope of preventing a UN domination of the world governments will have died. Israel will be the first to go under Obama’s leadership over the UN. Why do you think Iran’s leadership loves him? Pleased with that gift, the Islamic nations will pledge fealty to the Obama administration. The few remaining American patriots will have no avenue for protest because the fairness doctrine will have eliminated the FOX network and all conservative leaning publications. Shortly after that any criticism of Obama or his administration will be punishable as an act of treason, most likely punished under the provisions of Sharia law.

This is all speculative, of course. But consider how many portions of American industry have and are being targeted for governmental takeover. First it was the auto industry then it was the banks. Now the pharmaceutical, insurance and medical sectors are being attacked by the same voices that that damned the auto industry. What kind of a job will you have available when there are no longer any employers? For those of you a little faint of heart, I would council against reading current news and cross-checking it against past history.

Professor Santayana said it best in 1903: “Those Who Refuse to Learn the Lessons of History Are Doomed to Relive Them.â€