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  1. #21
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    I just cannot in good conscience go along with these conspiracy theroy's about 9-11, I know there are some sites on here where these are debunked by scientist although I don't know exactally where, never read them because I didnt believe this nonsense in the first place. I guess for me the one reason I cannot believe in all this is because of flight 93. I know some people on here have said cell phones don't work on airplanes, so I discussed this with my local telephone company, the guys assured me that yes, they do work, they tell the passengers to turn them off because they interfer with the computers on the airplane. Another thing,I cannot believe all these families, who talked with their loved ones on that plane would go along with any conspiracy the government cooked up to bring about 911. They would not lie for the government as their loved ones were retaking the plane from the hijackers and causing the crash in PA. Some of these calls were recorded and are on record. Are we to believe our government somehow convinced these foreign islamist to go along with all this?These people were described to the parents, telephone operators, wives and husbands so we know they were there on the plane hijacking it. I have also heard the jet fuel caused such massive, hot fires nothing could sustain that kind of damage., and remain standing. NO, I am sorry, Bush has done some crazy things but this simply was not one of them, I refuse to believe that!
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  2. #22
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    nitty, I understand that position, I really do. I don't know if Bush had anything to do with 9/11. The problem is we don't really know who was responsible for 9/11 because there wasn't any investigation. The families of the 9/11 victims are the ones who ordered the 9/11 Commission because they didn't believe the government's story. They still don't. The 9/11 Commission was a report, not an investigation.

    The concern over 9/11 will continue to grow and paramount until there is an investigation.

    There are "scientists" who deny global warming, too, as the ice caps melt, the polar bears starve, ozone holes widen, air quality worsens, and sea levels and temperatures rise.

    We need an investigation of 9/11. That's really all the American People still concerned about 9/11 have ever investigation of the worst crime in American History.

    It doesn't seem too much to ask when you think about it.

    Look how long it took to investigate the Pan Am flight over Lockerby, Scotland?

    9/11 deserved at least a comparable investigation.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
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  3. #23
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    Judy, I welcome any and all investigations, however, I take Osma at his word when he took responsibility for 911. What I really think though, is we might need to start all working together to find a solution and fight these jihadist who want to kill us and convert the whole world to Islam, it is time to stop the blame game and start the win game! We have tore our country apart blaming each other when it was their fault not ours, they are to blame not us.HOw many times and how many ways do they have to say it to make the people of Amreica understand they did it Judy?
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  4. #24
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    They may have done it, nitty. I don't think anyone is disputing that. But more people were involved than those who have been prosecuted or blamed posthumously. This involved many many people with a wide and very in-depth knowledge of things here.

    Asking for an investigation is not a "blame game". It's a "whodunnit" process so you know who did it; you know everyone that was involved; and are then able to prosecute and/or hold accountable everyone involved. To me that's the only way to win the game and secure Justice for this Horrible Crime.

    Until we do that, the other people involved are still running around on the loose probably planning the next one.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  5. #25
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    was Georgia - now Arizona
    Well, there seems to be a difference of opinion concerning the destruction of 3 WTC buildings that fell on 9-11-01. I would be willing to bet that that difference of opinion will exist long after we've junked the cars that China built out of the steel wreckage that was shipped to them so fast NO ONE got to study it. Why was that? Why would our government ship all that EVIDENCE halfway around the world just as soon as it cooled? I don't know the answer. In truth, I can't even FATHOM one. Can any of you?

    Jet fuel is nothing more than glorified kerosene. It burns at a certain temperature. A temperature too low to cause the failure of even one of those steel I-beams. Can anyone explain how this glorified kerosene caused the damage that it is scientifically incapable of causing?

    Yes, planes hit the towers. One plane in each tower. We ALL saw it. Could those planes alone have caused their collapse? Not according to the architects and engineers who designed them. The towers were designed to withstand MULTIPLE impacts from Boeing 707 jumbo jets, the largest jets flying at that time. MULTIPLE IMPACTS. Yet still they fell.

    FDNY personnel who were on the scene at the time of the collapse report HEARING and SEEING the detonation of explosives in rapid succession coming down the towers BELOW the level of the collapsing upper floors.

    Building 7 dropped straight into it's own footprint at freefall speed but was NOT struck by an airplane. WHY?

    If I was at my own computer I would be able to cite a lot of information, studies done by reputable scientists, that question the 'official' story. I question the official story. Until a legitimate investigaton is done, I will continue to question it.

    That's my take on it, and you all know that I am no kook. There are more questions than answers. We deserve answers.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Nice post pinestrawguys!!

    We need a full complete honest independent investigation of 9/11 and we needed it 5 years ago.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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