Here is the April 15-18 reminder about TaxFreeDay

[quote]Greetings Again National Strike Supporters

.....Well, here's the opened attachmet you didn't get! Good thing I have a sense of humor!!

The NATIONAL STRIKE, April 15th - 18th, is NOT ABOUT tax evasion, anarchy, hatred,

or political affiliation. It's about clarification, education, accountability and integrity.

The Strike is about realizing that a well thought out and documented plan for global government has been in place for over 100 years, and in order to reach that goal, no country or people, could be left strong enough to think for themselves or remain independent of policies enacted by federal and local governments, all working together to achieve the bottom line; all funded by banking schemes and the families behind them, who own the banks and world governments already.

The Strike is about personal sovereignty, with the freedom to think for ourselves. We must recognize that we've all been exploited, lied to, and encouraged to give away our power to others who will make decisions concerning our lives, without our consent or approval: enforced through the military or police, if we refuse to comply. Our country spends over a billion dollars a week on war, while we lose our retirement funds, pension plans, health care benefits, and the purchasing power of our dollars, with our government using us for collateral on their huge debt, signing away our land and our future in order to keep borrowing.

The Strike is about our sons and daughters, taught to pledge their lives in defense of our country, sent to invade and occupy foreign lands without an official declaration of war by our congress, which is the only government body with the power to officially do so. “Here is a shocking statistic that you won’t hear in most western news media: over the past nine years, more US military personnel have taken their own lives than have died in action in either the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. These are official figures from the US Department of Defense, yet somehow they have not been deemed newsworthy to report. Last year alone, more than 330 serving members of the US armed forces committed suicide – more than the 320 killed in Afghanistan and the 150 who fell in Iraq (seeâ€